Continuous Variable Transmission - VT5 - Punch Powertrain
Punch Powertrain’s VT5 distinguishes itself as an economical transmission with a large torque range up to 250 Nm. Its innovative hydraulic system and optimized control make the VT5 an extremely efficient transmission.
无级变速器 - VT5 - Punch Powertrain
VT5是邦奇动力最新款无级变速箱(CVT)。 VT5基于稳固可靠的VT3开发,适用于各类车辆。 邦奇动力VT5的独特之处在于它是一款扭矩范围高达250 Nm的经济型变速箱。 VT5采用创新型液压系统和优化控制,是一款非常高效的变速箱。 它还完全能够满足全球对SUV不断增长的需求。 这要归功于VT5的变矩器,它提升了车辆的道路驾驶和爬坡性能。 此外,还可以提供AWD等特性或自动启停、巡航、48V和混动解决方案等创新功能。 VT5是邦奇动力最新款无级变速箱(CVT)。 …
邦奇动力 - Punch Powertrain
依托我们作为CVT和单轴DCT全球领军企业的声誉,我们现在还提供创新的电动汽车解决方案,帮助OEM厂商将更环保的产品传播给全球千家万户。 想成为我们团队的一员? 邦奇动力不断推 …
Proton 未来的变速箱? Punch VT5 简介! - automachi.com
2019年1月31日 · Punch VT5 有可能是 Proton 未来的变速箱? 从2011年开始 Proton 就将变速箱从4速自排更换至CVT,而这个CVT的变速箱供应商是来自比利时的 Punch ,而不知不觉中 Proton 已经采用了 Punch 的 CVT 8年,而在这段时间 Punch VT5 这个更为先进的变速箱也面世了,不知道 Proton 未来 ...
Punch VT5 CVT ,终于有 Torque Converter 了! - automachi.com
2021年5月6日 · Punch VT5 CVT ,终于有 Torque Converter 了! 自2011年 Saga 和 Exora 转用 CVT 开始, Punch 已经成为了我国市场最多人使用的 CVT ,虽然很多使用者对它并不满意,但是实际上南京邦奇还是一直在推出新产品!
Punch VT5 CVT ,终于导入液力变矩器、车辆起步不再抖动!
2023年1月8日 · Punch VT5 CVT ,终于导入液力变矩器、车辆起步不再抖动! 自2011年 Saga 和 Exora 转用 CVT 开始, Punch 已经成为了我国市场最多人使用的 CVT ,虽然很多使用者对它并不满意,但是实际上南京邦奇还是一直在推出新产品!
VT5 - Punch Powertrain
vt5是邦奇动力研发的无级变速器产品。相对于成熟的vt3,vt5可以应用于更多的车型。在这个级别的cvt中,它拥有世界上单cvt速比范围7.2,以及卓越的液力变矩器启步能力。 邦奇动力的vt5是一款成本优势的cvt,可承受输入扭矩达250nm。
VT5首款车型 陆风逍遥上市 - punchpowertrain.cn
逍遥是第一款搭载邦奇动力全新研发VT5无级变速箱的车型,匹配1.5TGDI发动机。 与扭矩容量在250Nm的其他自动变速箱相比,VT5具有目前最大的有效速比范围,达到7.2,这使得变速箱具有更高的灵活性,让包括发动机在内的整个传动系统在任何驾驶状态中,始终能够处于或接近于最优运行状态。 为了提高燃油经济性,我们通过额外的措施,将变速箱内部传输损耗降到最低。 通过使用博世28 mm压力钢带,可将油泵和变速机构的损耗降到最低。 新的变速机构设计最大限度 …
Punch Powertrain | 邦奇动力
邦奇动力新近开发的变速箱(例如VT5与DT1)体现了变速箱技术的发展潮流,它们配备了启停与滑行功能,并提供了混动化的可能。 邦奇动力始终聚焦于经济性变速箱产品领域,在驾乘舒适性提升的同时,也帮助车辆实现更高的效能。
The VT5 includes Punch Powertrain´s latest Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). Based on the successes of the robust VT3, the VT5 was developed for an even wider range of vehicles. For a single stage CVT, it has the world´s largest ratio coverage of 7.2 and is complimented with excellent and robust torque converter launching capabilities. 1.
VT5 Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals
The VT5 transmission was designed by Punch Powertrain for a greater variety of vehicles than its predecessors. It has the maximum existing ratio span for a single-stage CVT, coupled with splendid torque converter starting capacities.
Conventional Transmissions - Punch Powertrain
Based on the successes of the robust VT3, the VT5 was developed for an even broader range of cars. For additional fuel saving, the VT5 has Neutral Idle Control and is readied for (advanced) engine start/stop.
具有模块化设计、高传动效率的VT5无极变速器(CVT)系列,以及基于 …
具有模块化设计、高传动效率的VT5无极变速器 (CVT)系列,以及基于该变速器的48V混动系统-更多搭载VT5的常规动力和混合动力项目将在今年下半年上市。 22© 2018 Punch Powertrain第十届国际汽车变速器及驱动技术研讨会,2018 ,中国 04.26-27 北京下一代的高效率CVT,VT5满足下述要.
Punch Powertrain Produces Its 100.000th VT5 Transmission
2020年2月2日 · Engineered on the basis of the reliable VT3, the VT5 was designed to be applied on a wider range of cars. It has the torque capacity of up to 280 Nm and has an impressive ratio coverage for a single stage CVT (7.2). It comes with a torque converter, which has a positive impact on the driving experience and incline performance.
Punch VT5 CVT and DT1 7-spd DCT to be on future Protons?
2015年11月20日 · Also unveiled is a new DT1 seven-speed dual-clutch transmission designed specifically for smaller vehicles, rated at up to 160 Nm. The compact gearbox is said to be more economical than any other...
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Punch Powertrain is the dynamic face of innovative transmission and propulsion systems for automotive OEM’s and mobility providers globally
VT5 - вариатор Punch Powertrain | Otoba.ru
Технические характеристики бесступенчатой коробки VT5 или вариатор Punch Powertrain, надежность, ресурс, отзывы, проблемы и передаточные числа.
Punch Powertrain on a rapid growth track - Just Auto
2017年9月19日 · Its hybrid P0 CVT – based on its existing VT3 and VT5 CVTs – will launch at the end of 2017 with a Chinese customer.
100.000 VT5s produced - Punch Powertrain
VT5 was the first in the series with a launch on December 3, 2018. After a full year of production, it has exceeded the 100.000 unit mark – a milestone that took its predecessor 5 years. Based on the successes of the robust VT3, the VT5 was developed for an even wider range of vehicles. It covers a torque range of up to 280 Nm and has the ...
Continuous Variable Transmission - VT3 - Punch Powertrain
With over 2 million units on the market, Punch Powertrain's VT3 is a successful, robust and cost-efficient Continuous Variable Transmission, which can be quickly deployed, thanks to its design flexibility.