Geolex — PungoRiver publications - USGS
2025年2月25日 · Pungo River Formation is composed of cyclical deposits of phosphatic clays and sands and carbonates. It is subdivided in the Aurora district into four informal stratigraphic units.
Pungo River Formation - Wikipedia
The Pungo River Formation is a geologic formation in North Carolina. It preserves fossils dating back to the Middle Miocene.
Description of the Pungo River formation in Beaufort County
This report describes the lithology and stratigraphy of the Pungo River Formation that underlies part of Beaufort County, North Carolina. The formation contains potentially economic beds of …
Aurora Phosphate Mine - Aurora Fossil Museum
The overburden excavated by the draglines in the mine exposes the Miocene age sediments known as the Pungo River Formation. The Pungo River Formation is typically found to depths …
Description of the Pungo River formation in Beaufort County, …
Description of the Pungo River formation in Beaufort County, North Carolina, Bulletin (North Carolina. Division of Mineral Resources) ; no. 79., Kimrey, Joel O. (Joel Otto), 1931-, Beaufort …
Fossil Vertebrate Identification for Aurora, North Carolina
Fossil Vertebrate Identification Guide for Aurora and Coastal North Carlina - Pungo River and Yorktown Formations. Besides the abundant shark fossils found in coastal North Carolina, …
Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Pungo River Formation, …
The Pungo River Formation consists of the four major sediment sequences in the Aurora Area (units A, B, C, and D as described by Riggs and others, 1982b) and three lateral facies (units …
Stratigraphy, structure and phosphate deposits of the Pungo River ...
2013年2月11日 · Stratigraphy, structure and phosphate deposits of the Pungo River formation of North Carolina by Miller, James A; North Carolina. Geological Survey Section
Geolex — PungoRiver - USGS
Type section (subsurface): near Belhaven, Beaufort Co., NC, Lat. 35 deg. 35 min. 58 sec. N., Long. 76 deg. 34 min. 59 sec., W. Land surface elevation 10 ft above sea level. Named from …
Description of the Pungo River formation in Beaufort County, …
Description of the Pungo River formation in Beaufort County, North Carolina by Kimrey, Joel O. (Joel Otto), 1931-; Geological Survey (U.S.)