Pura Power Supplies - purapowersupplies.com
THE DODO dual linear power supply The Dodo, a very precise power supply with an extremely low noise floor. Using only premium components, we have managed to develop a power …
the DODO (2x 2.5A) - purapowersupplies.com
The Dodo, a very precise power supply with an extremely low noise floor. Using only premium components, we have managed to develop a power supply that meets the requirements of the …
Review Pura Dodo 5 volt power supply - Silence! - Alpha Audio
2023年4月1日 · Why Pura named a power supply after an extinct pigeon, we don’t know. Perhaps it has to do with the dinosaur theme? After all, the ammonite is also an extinct dino. But back …
the DODO nuc (5A) - purapowersupplies.com
Pura Power Supplies. VAT NL001857080B35 COC 83515968. Arnhem the Netherlands
Pura Power Supplies – NativeDSD Gear
All clean power technology is developed by Pura Power Supplies and is fully assembled by hand in the Netherlands. All internal components are carefully selected, critical components are …
Review Pura Dodo 5 volt power supply - Stilte! - Alpha Audio
2023年5月10日 · De Pura Power Supplies Dodo is in meerdere smaakjes te krijgen. De twee uitgangen kunnen tot 2,5A leveren en variëren tussen 3,3 en 19 volt. U kunt ze zelf kiezen. …
Pura Power Supplies – DODO dc voeding – Audiohaven
De Dodo, een zeer nauwkeurige voeding met een extreem lage ruisvloer. Door alleen premium componenten te gebruiken, zijn we erin geslaagd een voeding te ontwikkelen die voldoet aan …
Pura Power Supplies Ammonite Elite – M & S | Ultimate High …
2024年6月21日 · One of the most remarkable developments is the Ammonite Elite, an advanced version of the Ammonite switch, which with its five internal linear power supplies is unique on …
WiiM Pro+ as a streaming bridge: with external DAC and better …
2023年10月6日 · A review with listening conclusion that the WiiM pro+ has a Spdif output of equal quality as the much more expensive Eversolo dmp a6. This is a very different conclusion than …
Using WiiM Pro+ as a streaming bridge - Alpha Audio
2023年10月6日 · Connect both the WiiM Pro+ and the Primare NP5 with a Pura Dodo. The Dlink switch is connected to the second socket of the Pura Dodo.