WAVE溦方 完美的淨水方案
Purezza堅持初衷,與客戶一同減少來自餐飲供應鏈 的 2 千萬支一次性寶特瓶。 深獲全球餐飲業肯定! 當地自來水源源源不絕,也減少丟棄一次性水瓶的二氧化碳排放問題,相反地,瓶裝氣泡水和瓶裝礦泉水價格相對偏高;且瓶裝水是「按單位」計價,而 Purezza 解決方案則採固定收費制,可為中高需求業者帶來顯著的成本節約。
Purezza Bottles · Purezza
Our range of Purezza glass bottles are perfect for serving Purezza water in house or takeaway, so you and your customers can make the sustainable choice for drinking water. Purezza bottles feature bespoke branding so you can easily advertise your commitment to sustainability, when a customer sees a Purezza bottle in your venue they know your ...
Purezza Premium Water · Purezza
2025年3月14日 · Purezza premium chilled & sparkling water. Purezza is an end-to-end sparkling and still water solution, offered exclusively to the hospitality channel. Proudly served in thousands of venues worldwide, the Purezza experience combines global expertise with a local touch.
Premium Chilled & Sparkling Water On-Tap · Purezza
The modern alternative to pre-packaged bottled water, Purezza is leading the way in providing cost-effective, sustainable, and high-quality water dispensing solutions for hospitality venues worldwide.
Replacing your expensive and cumbersome bottled water with a Purezza system is good for the environment. We show you how to reduce your carbon footprint. With Purezza, bottling your own profit is easy. Our systems supply unlimited sparkling and still water for a low, fixed weekly cost.
顏值、功能、永續三位一體! 澳洲氣泡水機Purezza以科技和設計 …
2023年3月1日 · 而在全球餐飲及飯店龍頭紛紛挺身主張永續的時代裡,使用Purezza專屬環保水瓶,也能減少一次性寶特瓶使用,幫助朝永續目標邁進,可說是實用度與理想性兼具。
Purezza及Purezza授權經銷商的服務人員皆具備專業的Purezza設備安裝、功能操作以及維修經驗。 Purezza應由授權的專業工程團隊搭配指定的水處理零件,以使各項系統功能完整發揮。
WL H1 Bar - Series E eficiently addresses high volume for cold, ambient and sparkling water even at peak times, for fast bottle and carafe filling. A unique and smart design for a features-rich worktop dispenser. The Ice Bank cooling technology is paramount to the HORECA needs, where large quantities of consistently ice-cold water are required.
Under counter sparkling water dispenser - Purezza
Three water dispensing options – cold, ambient, and premium sparkling water. The products are completed by our range of ergonomic taps. Superior cooling capacity and fast replenish times. Cutting edge technology allows for efficient, high flow and high capacity dispensing of still and sparkling water, ideal for any busy HORECA environment.
QLS-H1 1nm3/ora 99.999% purezza generatore di idrogeno PEM ...
QLS-H1 1nm3/ora 99.999% purezza generatore di idrogeno PEM elettrolizzatore d′acqua,Trova i Dettagli su Elettrolizzatore, Prezzo elettrolizzatore da QLS-H1 1nm3/ora 99.999% purezza generatore di idrogeno PEM elettrolizzatore d′acqua - …