Purpled is the best MCC Player right now - Reddit
Purpled could definitely become the best player, but the current top players are close enough together that it just doesn’t make sense to say that any one of them is better than the rest.
Does anyone feel like people use the term "purpled" too early?
2021年10月9日 · Like, there have been so many seasons where one turning point episode changes a person’s game midway through, and their experience goes on to dominate the …
What does “purpled” or “yellowed”mean? Thanks, team!
2021年10月20日 · Purpled is in reference to Purple Kelly (had a purple streak in her hair on a season with two Kellys), who ended up with almost zero airtime. I don't think yellowed means …
purpled - Reddit
Purpled promoted a game on stream at least a year ago that was made by a friend of his I believe and it was a procedurally generated dungeon crawler with pixel graphics. Was trying to show it …
Purpled with Feinberg mechanics vs Fruit with VOD review would …
The reason Fein dominates Minecraft events is because the same reason Purpled dominates MCC, he studies and VOD reviews a lot. In events Fein was unable to study due to it being …
mouse : r/purpled - Reddit
2020年11月21日 · you can go to kit.co/purpled for all of his equiptment and even his pc buildwhat mouse does purpled use?
People are mad at Purpled's tweet but dream team fans have a
2022年4月29日 · I am annoyed at purpled’s tweet because it created a drama farm situation, the same people annoyed at the silver shittalkers stream be the same people mad at purpled’s …
Who is actually better at mcc Sapnap or Purpled? A very ... - Reddit
2023年4月23日 · Who is actually better at mcc Sapnap or Purpled? A very detailed comparison of skill as an analysis of their contribution on every aspect of MCC backed up by statistics as …
Which ‘purpled’ player actually had the most potential to shine?
2022年7月11日 · Like they were ‘purpled’ for some reason but upon seeing their unaired scenes and confessionals they were actually pretty fun characters themselves and wondered why they …
purpled might be the best individual player rn - Reddit
2023年5月14日 · Purpled grinds and vod reviews for MCC like no one else and takes the event incredibly seriously - he's got insane mechanics, but I've no idea what he'd be without all that …