Pvkv III | War Thunder Wiki
Turret Rotation Speed basic crew → acesHorizontal 3.8 → 5.5 °/s
Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43 - Wikipedia
The Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43 (Pvkv m/43) was a tank destroyer developed by Landsverk. As the use of tanks became more and more important during the Second World War, fighting them became more and more urgent. The German Wehrmacht had …
北方不落的三皇冠——瑞典装甲发展史(中) - 知乎
Pvkv II基于Strv m/41底盘,设计了一个可以旋转的战斗室并装载着一门75mm Lvkv m/36防空炮作为主要武器。 而Pvkv III和Pvkv II也采用的是Strv m/41底盘并且总体外观相似,但装备的是57mm Pvkv m/43反坦克炮。
Pvkv III - War Thunder Wiki
The Pvkv III is a tank destroyer with a fully rotatable turret and great gun depression, an unusual sight at its BR. It is only matched by the Cromwell V and Sherman II.
[Development] Pvkv III: Swedish Pop-Head - News - War Thunder
2022年5月19日 · The Pvkv III is an experimental tank destroyer, developed as part of Sweden’s efforts to equip its military with new combat vehicles based on existing platforms. Arriving in War Thunder as part of the next major update, the Pvkv III will reinforce the Swedish mid-ranks with another highly capable tank hunter!
【战争雷霆载具资料】Pvkv III坦克歼击车 - 哔哩哔哩
优点:主炮火力较强,主炮具有全向射界。 缺点:炮塔防护较差,主炮仰角较小。 建议用法:远距离狙击,平原野战,山地战。 避免用法:近距离作战,巷战。
Pvkv III does NOT belong at 3.3! : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2024年4月23日 · Pvkv III does NOT belong at 3.3! VERDICT: ---------------------------------------------------- Should be moved down to 2.7 battle rating along with the other 2.7 vehicles. It does not even have a lineup at 3.3 and it's not worth up-tiering it to 3.7 when you have the Pvkv II **.**
pvkv 3 is really overtiered :: War Thunder General Discussions
2022年7月30日 · The Pvkv III in War Thunder is AMAZING! The Pvkv III takes what the Pvkv II was good at and improves on it by doing the strangest thing you'd expect... making the cannon smaller!
【图片】Pvkv IV:最后一搏【战争雷霆吧】_百度贴吧
提供动力的 142 马力汽油发动机在理想条件下可使 Pvkv IV 达到 45 公里/小时的速度,而可观的功重比也确保了战车在越野条件下的加速性能以及良好的机动性。 Pvkv IV 将伴随下个战争雷霆重大更新的到来,加入瑞典陆军中阶科技树。
瑞典3.3的pvkv III权重是否有些偏高了【战争雷霆吧】_百度贴吧