Imp (PvZ2) - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Imps and their world-themed variants in Plants vs. Zombies 2 are small, fast-moving zombies that do not have much health. Imps typically arrive further into the player's defenses than usual in one way or another, typically from a Gargantuar, but they can also walk onto the lawn on their own.
Imp Dragon Zombie | Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Imp Dragon Zombie is the eleventh zombie encountered in Dark Ages in Plants vs. Zombies 2. He is an Imp immune to fire damage, which includes explosives like Cherry Bomb, but otherwise behaves no different from most other imps.
Imp Pear - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Imp Pear is extremely effective when Imitated, as it not only allows you to more reliably spam Imp Pears, but it also allows you to more reliably get Imps to eat Imp Pear, thus allowing you to trigger the imp indigestion more reliably.
Imp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Imp is a recurring character within the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Imps typically sneak into plant defenses in one way or another then go further at high speeds, but have lower health. Even in games where they can't sneak into defenses, they typically either have their low health, their speed, or some other way to represent their stealth.
Imp - PvZ2: Fallen Wiki | Fandom
Imp Monk Zombie has been looking everywhere for his cousin, Imp Dragon Zombie. Has anyone seen him?
Imp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Imps are small enough to chew on a plant with a Spikeweed or Spikerock in front of it without being damaged. The Imp is the 24th zombie encountered in Adventure Mode. He is thrown from the back of the Gargantuar or Giga-gargantuar. He drops money when killed.
Imp | Plants vs. Zombies 2: Alternate UniverZ Wiki | Fandom
Imp and his world-themed counterparts are small fast-moving zombies that do not have much health. Imp typically arrive further into the player's defenses than usual in one way or another, typically from a Gargantuar, but they can also walk onto the lawn on their own. This makes Imps a …
Imp | Plants vs Zombies 2: It's Fighting Time Improved Wiki
Imp is a zombie in every area of PvZ2:IFTI. He is thrown deep into your defenses by Gargantuar (into column 3) when his HP is halved. But he is also playable for 25 sun! He's essentially similar to Basic Zombie but slightly faster. He also has a faster bite but deals less damage.
Imp - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Project ECLISE Wiki
Imps generally have the health of Zombies but are faster. Gargantuars generally throw an imp when they reach 50% health. Shrinking Violet will make imps completely shrink out of existence. In Alpha, Bug Bot Imp is resistant to chill. Imp and his …
Imp Cannon - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Project ECLISE Wiki
Imp Cannons are backline zombies first seen in Pirate Seas. They shoot an Imp Pirate Zombie about once every 10 seconds and after 5 imps are fired, it explodes, shooting 5 imps deep into your defense, randomly in each lane and in columns 2-5.
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