PXG iron weights - changing for higher swing weight
2021年6月14日 · Prior Gen irons used 1/4" thick hosel weights drilled with holes of varying sizes to provide differing weights. Now pxg can/did use the perimeter weights to fine tune the sw. Here is a Golfwrx video that shows the pxg build process several years ago. Watch closely at 3:09 where the screws are removed and replaced.
PXG 0811 driver weight configuration - what's yours?
2021年8月28日 · So I then replaced the stock 15g weights in my 3 and 5 fairways with 20g weights I ordered from PXG for $7.50 each. btw, I also turn the loft down to Minus 1.5 degrees on all 3 clubs to get piecing trajectory with face slightly open to guard against big left misses.
PXG 0311 Gen6 iron weight - WRX Club Techs - GolfWRX
2023年8月4日 · Removing those weights can be a very bad experience, because PXG does not intend consumers to remove them. Even as an experienced club builder, I had one head that was very problematic. I stripped the security torx hole very badly, then tried a damaged screw extractor, that didn't work and just made the hole bigger and bigger.
PXG Iron Weights - WRX Club Techs - GolfWRX
2019年3月31日 · When I originally got my PXG irons, they were D3. I have been playing with lead tape and bumped up my 8 iron to D9 and find I love that feeling at contact with that heavier swing weight. Seems like I improve consistency all across the board. Feels like I should be able to just heat up the head sl...
Pxg 0317 cb weights - WRX Club Techs - GolfWRX
My Gen 4 0311T have 7.5 weights in them and the the new 0317T have 8.5 weights in them. I ordered the 0317T irons standard weight, length and lie angle with KBS tour V 120 gram shaft. Hopefully that should help you decide what weight you need to go to. I didn't have an issue in getting the weights out to check.
PXG Screw Weights and Positioning? HELP! - GolfWRX
2023年1月27日 · PXG keeps track of the club specs for each head with a unique serial number. I have checked many times with them on counterfeits that had a serial number to find out all checked except that the head serial number matched a chrome head when the club being checked had a black head!!
Anyone swapped PXG Iron weights? - WRX Club Techs - GolfWRX
2021年12月9日 · planning to remove the weights on the PXG irons I just ordered so I can remove the paint fill. I have previously done this using a soldering iron, heat the iron and then put it on the weight, it 'should' generate enough localised heat to remove the screws - thats the plan anyway 🙂
PXG irons - Change head weights vs lead tape - GolfWRX
2024年12月30日 · I picked up a set of PXG Gen 7 irons that are between D0 and D1 and looking to add a little swingweight. Trying to determine if I should change the head weights by 2-3 grams or add these lead tape 3 gram weights I have. I put the lead tape sticker right behind the head weight. Obviously the lead ...
Adjusting PXG Gen3 Irons Swingweight - WRX Club Techs - GolfWRX
2022年9月27日 · I feel like the toe weights are usually 1.7g medium length weights, one of the heel weights is a 0.7g medium weight and the 3 middle and 1 heel are 0.3g short weights but I wouldn't make a purchase based off my memory. I have some Gen 3 T's that I can check the weights on if I can find a T15 but not sure if XP weight layout is the same.
PXG Gen4 X driver - headweight / included weights?
2021年8月23日 · When they released Gen4 drivers, PXG stated they increased the length by 1/2" and the standard heavy weight would be 10g on these drivers along with 2 - 2.5g weights, due to the increased length. Their website states 10g is the heavy weight on these drivers.