Role (s) of G3BPs in Human Pathogenesis - PMC
The PxxP domain is a proline-rich region found in many signaling proteins, including G3BPs, and is involved in protein–protein interactions and SG formation. Furthermore, this region is linked to protein interactions and has the ability to target SH3 domains through binding to aromatic amino acids (Booker et al., 1993).
Research Progress on the Structure and Function of G3BP
2021年8月29日 · The PxxP domain of G3BP is required for the activation of protein kinase (PKR), antiviral activity of G3BP1, and nucleation of SGs (8, 21). G3BP1 and G3BP2 can be mainly distinguished based on the number of PxxP motifs they possess.
The multi‐functional RNA‐binding protein G3BP1 and its potential ...
The main dissimilitude between the G3BP proteins is found in their central unstructured regions where the number of proline‐rich motifs (PxxP) varies. Specifically, G3BP2a contains a cluster of four PxxP motifs between the acid‐rich and RRM domains, whereas G3BP2b contains five in the homologous region (Kennedy et al., 2002) (Figure 1).
G3BP1 enhances cytoplasmic DNA pattern recognition - Nature
2018年12月11日 · It has been shown that deletion of the PxxP motif uncoupled G3BP1 aggregation from binding with the kinase PKR 9; this truncation mutant could be used to determine whether G3BP1 retains ...
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G3BP: 一个潜在的肿瘤治疗靶点
摘要: G3BP (RasGAP SH3 domain binding protein) 是一种RasGAP SH3 结构域特异性结合蛋白, 参与Ras下游信号通路, 属于RNA 结合蛋白家族。 G3BP 具有核酸内切酶、DNA 解旋酶活性, 能够诱导应急颗粒的形成, 参与多种细胞生长、分化、凋亡和RNA 代谢的信号通路。
Crystal Structures of the Human G3BP1 NTF2-Like Domain …
Ras GTPase Activating Protein SH3 Domain Binding Protein (G3BP) is a potential anti-cancer drug target implicated in several cellular functions. We have used protein crystallography to solve crystal structures of the human G3BP1 NTF2-like domain both alone and in complex with an FxFG Nup repeat peptide.
Role(s) of G3BPs in Human Pathogenesis - Journal of …
2022年12月6日 · However, G3BP1 has only one PxxP domain, whereas G3BP2a and G3BP2b contain four and five PxxP domains, respectively. The NTF2-like domain of G3BPs is an important structural and functional element that contributes to the diverse functions of G3BPs including stress response, RNA metabolism, and nucleocytoplasmic transport.
Characterization of G3BPs: tissue specific expression, chromosomal ...
We mapped the rasGAP (120) interactive region of the G3BP-2 isoforms and show that both G3BP-2a and G3BP-2b use an N-terminal NTF2-like domain for rasGAP (120) binding rather than several available proline-rich (PxxP) motifs found in members of the G3BPs.
Crystal structure of the G3BP2 NTF2-like domain in complex with a ...
2015年11月6日 · In addition to the PxxP motifs, G3BP also contains glutamine- and glycine rich regions, an RNA recognition motif (RRM) and an N-terminal NTF2-like domain ranging from residue 11-134 in human G3BP1.
Preferential binding of a stable G3BP ribonucleoprotein complex …
2016年8月11日 · The G3BP-complex contained the deubiquitinating protease USP10, CtBP1 and the RNA-binding proteins Caprin-1, G3BP2a and splicing factor proline and glutamine rich, or PSF. The G3BP-complex binds preferentially to transcripts that retain introns, and to non-coding sequences like 3’-untranslated region and long non-coding RNAs.