Pygtk + Glade + Threading(?) : r/learnpython - Reddit
2020年2月27日 · I then started looking for other keywords such as "Pygtk", "Python" and "threading". During my search I have found some more relevant descriptions of my problem area: gtk idle_add not running?, Python GTK+ 3 Safe Threading, Stop pygtk GUI from locking up during long-running process, Threads & Concurrency, GdkLock and PyGObject Threading. I have ...
PYGtk installation win32/python2.6/windows10 : r/learnpython
2016年10月19日 · It looks like one of the dependencies of pygtk has not been ported to Python 3. Given that it's been 8 years since the release, I'd abandon pygtk since it doesn't seem like they care about maintenance. Instead, I'd use a modern GUI framework such as PyQt or tkinter (which is even standard library, no install required).
Tkinter vs PyQt vs wxPython vs PyGtk vs Kivy: Too many options
Plus a 100% pure python toolkit means some sacrifice in performance. With PyQt and PyGtk, you can get the raw performance of underlying C++ and C runtimes respectively which they wrap. Now tkinter and PyQt is where I'm really confused and not able to decide which one to use. The pros of tkinter are highly appealing to me, to be honest.
How do I make pygtk installation work? : r/learnpython - Reddit
2024年5月5日 · I'm working on making some old Python code build using modern packaging stuff (setup.py, pip, etc). I can get my stuff to build, but it complains about a missing package pygtk. When I try and install pygtk using pip3 (or pip) from within a venv it fails, with the output below. Can anyone suggest what to do next? Thanks
[PyGTK] How to center text on multi-line buttons? - Python Forum
2021年1月23日 · Title pretty much says it all; if I make a button in GTK with a text label that has line-break(s) in it, the text on the label ends up being left aligned - and I would like it to be centered. Longer version: There is a set_justify() method on s, w...
PyGTK: How to update/redraw a Widget (GTKLabel)? - Reddit
2011年12月5日 · PyGTK: How to update/redraw a Widget (GTKLabel)? I have the script here: simple.py And, there's a ui file here: simple.ui Essentially, if the file is run, a display will pop up with 'l1' on the left side of the display.
PyGTK+ and PyQt: how do they compare? : r/Python - Reddit
I've not used PyGTK, but unless you're specifically targeting Gnome desktop I would recommend PyQt (or PySide). Qt is a nice GUI framework to start on, easily cross-platform and there are lots of resources/tutorials available.
How to install PYGTK on mac : r/mac - Reddit
2020年9月28日 · r/mac • My mid-2010 polycarbonate “Stormtrooper” MacBook! Upgrades include macOS Catalina, a 250GB SSD, 16GB RAM, MacBook Pro keyboard keys, a higher-capacity battery, and a newer wireless card / antenna setup that supports AirDrop.
I can't install pygtk using pip : r/learnpython - Reddit
2017年1月1日 · PyGTK has been deprecated in favor of PyGI+GTK. Because of that, a version of PyGTK for Python 3 was never written.
PyGTK3, I can't Change Button and Table Backgorund Color using …
2017年4月24日 · The official dedicated python forum. hello, i can't change button and table bakckground color using modify_bg method i don't know how can i change.