StuG IV Specialisations : r/BattlefieldV - Reddit
2019年2月14日 · Why would I pick this over the Panzer 4 other than appearance? The gun has a much better velocity and a tad better damage. (Haven't) The armour is all around better, and the tank is a fair bit more zippy than the PzIV. You can reverse very quickly in a pinch. Honestly, if you're looking for a competitive tank, right now it's the Tiger.
Re: Tiger Tank too weak - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Became a weak balloon tank in BFV, dies in 2 shot of panzerfaust from the back +1 if you use quick repair. While churchil or even valentine which are supposed to be weaker than the tiger, could withstand more panzerfaust attack from all side. Heck even the Panzer IV and Wirbelwind has better survivability.
What is the better round for the tiger? : r/BattlefieldV - Reddit
2019年1月19日 · In what world is that better? You're trying to force the tigwr into the PzIV's role. Tiger is too big and too slow to be a CQC tank, you shouldn't spec it like that. It excels at Anti-tank and long range fire support. And, considering the standard HE rounds have good velocity already, HEAT is better for it's superior damage output.
Short barrel 75mm cannon with AP rounds worth it for PUMA?
2022年7月3日 · Recently I have heard of some players choosing instead the short barrel 75mm upgrade (same on standard PzIV) over the 50mm tank gun and saying it's far better if you can aim it properly (to account for bigger drop off and lower accuracy).
Battlefield V Nexus - Mods and community
2019年3月5日 · Battlefield V ReShade - Graphics Improvement - This ReShade changes the illumination and colors of the game to make it look better.It took me a while to choose all the values to get good results.
Battlefield V Stats, Leaderboards & More! - Battlefield Tracker
Compare stats breakdowns for every weapon and vehicle in Battlefield 2042, Battlefield 5 and Battlefield 1. Compare your Battlefield stats against your friends or favorite streamers. Tracker.gg provides the latest news from your favorite games along side your personalized stats profile in order to keep you informed and ahead of the competition.
Pz. V/IV — Tier V German medium tank - Blitz Hangar
Average HP, Low DPM, Penetration 110, Damage 160, Reload time: 7.08, Fast, Good mobility, Good view range, High damage. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
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作为突击兵射速最快的全自动武器,770的射速配合较好的精度表现能在中近距离发挥出不俗的能力。 但由此而来的缺点也同样明显,21发的小弹容和较高的精度惩罚在对付远处敌人时略显疲软。 建议不要把子弹打空,空仓换弹略慢。 推荐加点01:中近程压制打法. 中近程压制打法. 强调开镜的常规打法,靠近掩体以减小频繁换弹带来的威胁,压制力max。 天赋推荐指数:★★★★★. 天赋上手难度:★. 近战爆发流打法. 770的高射速带来野兽般的爆发能力,但任然无法弥补子弹少 …
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