PZL.46 Sum - Wikipedia
PZL.46 Sum was a light bomber developed by Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze shortly before World War II, which, was directed to serial production in the spring of 1939. These planes were in production, but the Polish industry did not manage to produce them …
PZL.46 Sum – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL.46 Sum – prototyp polskiego lekkiego bombowca i samolotu rozpoznawczego projektu zespołu pod kierunkiem inżyniera Stanisława Praussa, opracowany i oblatany przez Jerzego Widawskiego w Państwowych Zakładach Lotniczych w 1938 roku.
PZL P.46 Sum (Swordfish) Light Bomber Prototype Aircraft - Military Factory
2020年10月23日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the PZL P.46 Sum (Swordfish) Light Bomber Prototype Aircraft including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
samolotypolskie.pl - PZL-46 "Sum"
Stanisław Prauss zaprojektował w Państwowych Zakładach Lotniczych samolot PZL-46 "Sum", o prędkości max rzędu 400 km/h. Miał to być następca samolotu PZL-23 "Karaś".
PZL.46 Sum | Military Wiki | Fandom
PZL.46 Sum was a projected light bomber of the Polish Air Force before World War II, that remained a prototype. The PZL.46 Sum (wels catfish) was designed by Stanisław Prauss in the PZL works as a successor to standard Polish light bomber and …
PZL.46 Sum
PZL.46 Sum was a projected light bomber of the Polish Air Force before World War II, which did not proceed beyond prototype stage. Design and development. The PZL.46 Sum (wels catfish) was designed by Stanisław Prauss in the PZL works as a successor to the standard Polish light bomber and reconnaissance plane, the PZL.23 Karaś, also of Prauss ...
PZL P.46 Sum (Swordfish): Photos, History, Specification
Installed: 1 x PZL-Bristol Pegasus XXB 9-cylinder, 918 hp, air-cooled radial piston engine driving a three-bladed front mounted propeller unit. Maximum speed: 264 km/h (425 km/h | 229 knots) Maximum: 25,262 feet (7,700 m | 5 km) Area: 808 km (1,300 km | 2,408 nautical miles) Rate of climb: 1,200 ft/min (366 m/min)
PZL P.46 Sum - light bomber, attack - aviastar.org
The first prototype flew in October 1938. Two built.
PZL.46 Sum - Wikiwand
PZL.46 Sum was a light bomber of the Polish Air Force before World War II, which, was directed to serial production in the spring of 1939. These planes were in production, but the Polish industry did not manage to produce them before the outbreak of the war.
PZL.46 Sum - wardrawings.be
Evading the Romanians in the last days of September, the P.46 managed to fly into Warsaw, even though the airfield was under German attack, and deliver final orders, including the order to establish the Polish Home Army secret force, to the besieged capital and then fly out again to England. But it landed at Lithuania due to low of fuel.