敢突破,永向前! 欢迎访问QJMOTOR官网,在这里您可以了解更多公司介绍、品牌故事、产品信息、新闻资讯及全国联保服务支持。
QJMOTOR | Global Motorcycles Industry Leader
QJMOTOR specializes in motorcycles, off-road vehicles, accessories, etc. Passionate about smart vehicles for enhanced riding pleasure, it aims to lead the global smart motorcycle & 4-wheeler sector.
Powered by a 645cc, liquid-cooled, 2-cylinder engine, delivering 75 hp at 9,000 rpm and 65 Nm of torque at 8,000 rpm, making it perfect for both off-road adventures and highway cruising. Qianjiang Motorcycle Co., Ltd. is located in Wenling City, Zhejiang Province.
服务支持 - QJMOTOR
About Brand - QJMOTOR
Founded in 1985, QJMOTOR specializes in motorcycles, off-road vehicles, accessories, and events, aiming to lead the global smart motorcycle and four-wheeler industry.
产品世界 - QJMOTOR
QJMOTOR USA - Always Forward
SSR Motorsports is now the exclusive distributor of QJ Motor motorcycles and scooters in the USA, and is proud to offer seven QJ motorcycles from 135cc to 750cc and two scooters. From classic cruising to sport riding, small-bore to full-size, SSR brings a wide range of QJ products at competitive prices, with more models coming soon!
QJMOTOR摩托车-摩托社官网 - motorshe.com
Q&J品牌介绍_Q&J产品采购/价格查询-立创商城 - SZLCSC.COM
Q&J (琦捷)公司介绍_ Q&J (琦捷)品牌产品采购,价格,一级代理_ …
深圳市琦捷电子有限公司是以生产和销售锂锰扣式电池,锂离子、镍氢、充电电池、环保碱性电池及各类电池组及各种焊脚电池、电池座、电池扣为主的中外合资企业。 公司产品广泛应用于主机板,计算器、电子词典、电子钟表、遥控器、防盗器、电子秤、电饭煲、电子标签卡、工控板、手持照明灯、电动玩具、医疗器械以及各种仪器仪表、手提电脑、储存卡、音乐卡、照相机、微型无线电子产品、LED鞋灯、蜡烛灯等相关行业。 深圳市琦捷电子有限公司自成立以来,一贯秉承“ …