Q-One | Global Leader in Embroidery Innovation
Established in 2011, Q-One is a premier apparel and accessories manufacturer renowned for cutting-edge mixed media embroideries. Serving top brands like Ralph Lauren, H&M, Superdry, and Uniqlo, we're committed to redefining excellence. Our mission: innovate and lead in sustainable, high-quality embroidered products globally.
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Q-One is a premier garment manufacturing hub with a global footprint, dedicated to transforming your fashion concepts into high-quality apparel. With over 1,500 machine heads operating...
Spectrometers – QOneTec
Together with Q.One Instruments, QOne is proud to offer the Quantum I+ NMR System. The system contains an actively shielded 400 or 600 MHz magnet, the Quantum-I+ console, a fully integrated QOneTec probe of your choice and a lifelong, hassle-free license of SpinStudioJ, QOne Instruments powerful NMR software package.
Home - Q One Tech
Q One is a cloud-based, self-managed, and continuous innovation solution that offer extraordinary scalability, lower costs and access to next-generation technology for any size market research or recruitment agency.
Danieli Q-One Technology to Optimize EAF Process at Shinkansai …
Designed by Danieli Automation, Q-One uses the latest digital power electronics technology to maintain the EAF power-factor values close to unity. This power-feeding system, that will be installed at Sakai, will have a five-unit configuration with a total maximum power of 54,6 MVA.
Q One Americas - Q One NMR - A New Dimension in NMR
QOne provides NMR systems and console replacements (300-600 MHz). Our smart tune and match (STM) probes are available for all manufacturers.
介绍 | Q.one醒可安
Q.one醒可安是为饮酒后想要迎接清爽早晨的人士 推出的解酒专门品牌。 带有饮酒后第二天“清爽”的含义, 以差异化为基础,通过研究易于携带、 快速缓解宿醉的配方和原材料而诞生。
Q One
Our system is designed to make the process of collecting and managing data as simple and efficient as possible. The Q One System provides real-time reporting and analytics, giving you valuable insights into your data as it is collected.
姫路製造所へのダニエリ社製次世代電源制御システム納入契約に …
2023年10月17日 · JFE条鋼株式会社は、省エネルギー事業として次世代型製鋼用電源システム「Q-ONE」を姫路製造所(兵庫県姫路市)に導入する契約を締結することとなり、10月17日にJFE条鋼本社(東京都港区)で渡辺 敦社長、ダニエリオートメーションのアントネロ・モルデ ...