Q-SUN Xe‑1 | Q-Lab
The Q-SUN Xe-1 xenon arc chamber reproduces the damage caused by full-spectrum sunlight, heat, and rain. In a few days or weeks, it can reproduce the damage that occurs over months or years outdoors. The Q-SUN Xe-1 model is an economical tabletop lightfastness, colorfastness, and photostability chamber.
Q-SUN Xe‑1 | Q-Lab
Q-SUN Xe-1 型号是一款经济型台式耐光性、耐色性和耐光性试验箱。 它配有一根氙灯灯管,并可选配水喷淋和冷却器。 其小规模非常适合预算有限的实验室或进行探索性研发测试的实验室。 Q-SUN Xe-1 试验箱的安装非常简单,样品可以方便地水平安装在其平坦的样品托盘上。 Q-SUN Xe-1 试验箱是目前最简单、最可靠、最易于使用的氙灯试验箱。 更多信息. Q-SUN Xe-1 试验箱的氙灯灯管可与全光谱完美匹配 全光谱阳光。 近水平的样品安装和可选的水喷淋功能提供了紧凑 …
检测仪器 | 美国Q-LAB:Q-SUN Xe-1氙灯试验箱 - 知乎
q-sun xe-1验箱是一个桌上型光稳定性、色牢度及耐光性试验箱,有单跟的氙弧灯和可选的水喷淋及致冷器。 其尺寸较小,对于预算有限或只是偶尔有测试需要的实验室来说是很好的选择。
Q‑SUN | Q-Lab
The Q-SUN Xe-1 is an economical, single-lamp xenon arc weathering tester. Its small scale is perfect for labs with a limited budget or those conducting exploratory R&D testing. The Q-SUN Xe-2 is a mid-sized xenon arc test chamber.
General Description (Feb 2022) The LX-5090B-TM Q-SUN Xe-1 Technical Manual provides information on the installation, operation, and maintenance of Q-SUN Xe-1-B test chambers. Overview Q-SUN Xe-1 test chambers are laboratory simulators of the effects of indoor and outdoor light stability and weathering.
q-sun xe-1驗箱是一個桌上型光穩定性、色牢度及耐光性試驗箱。 有單跟的氙弧燈和可選的水噴淋及致冷器。 其尺寸較小,對於預算有限或只是偶爾有測試需要的實驗室來說是很好的選擇。
LX-5046 - Q-SUN Xe-1, Xe-2 & Xe-3 Specifications - Q-Lab
Q-SUN® xenon arc chambers reproduce the damage caused by full-spectrum sunlight and rain. In a few days or weeks, Q-SUN testers can reproduce the damage that occurs over months or years outdoors. Download File
氙灯老化试验箱Q-SUN Xe-1_中山安源仪器有限公司
q-sun xe-1 测试箱使用黑板温度传感器精确控制样品曝露温度。 传感器是否绝缘、辐照强度、滤光片类型、灯管的使用时间和环境温度可在 35℃ 与 103℃ 之间。
Q-SUN XE-1 QUICK SETUP MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
General Description (Feb 2022) Overview This Quick Setup Guide is not a Technical Manual. This document is intended to explain only the basics of uncrating and setting up a Q-SUN Xenon Test Chamber. See the LX-5090-TM Q-SUN Xe-1 Technical Manual for complete information on the installation, operation, and maintenance of Q-SUN Xe-1-SE, Xe-1-BCE ...
Q-SUN Xe-1 虚拟模拟器 | Q-Lab
Q-SUN Xe-1 测试仪是一款台式耐光性、色牢度和光稳定性试验箱。它有一个氙弧灯,并可选配水喷雾和冷却器。它的小规模非常适合预算有限或仅偶尔需要测试的实验室。Xe-1 测试仪的安装很简单,样品可以方便地水平安装在其扁平样品盘上。
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