Q8 Auto 15 ED - Q8Oils
Q8 Auto 15 ED is a synthetic heavy duty ATF with extended drain approval for ZF TE-ML 14B and Voith DIWA H55.6336.3X. Q8 Auto 15 ED guarantees a long drain interval, an increased reliability and offers outstanding friction durability. It prevents acid formation, avoids sludge formation and provides an excellent level of anti-wear protection.
Q8 Auto 15 S - Q8Oils
Q8 Auto 15 S is a superior performance full synthetic automatic transmission fluid, designed for heavy duty vehicles. The product is especially formulated for trucks, buses and military equipment in severe operating conditions, because of its exceptional viscosity …
Q8 Auto 15 K is an excellent automatic transmission fluid that can also be used for hydraulic systems. The lubricant has a high viscosity index and optimum fluidity at low temperature, ensuring high performance and driving comfort in different conditions.
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Q8 Auto 15 ED
Q8 Auto 15 ED Description Synthetic based Automatic Transmission Fluid with Extended Drain capability Application • In automatic transmissions of buses, commercial vehicles, passenger cars, off-highway/construction and military equipment where severe operating conditions prevail or extended drain intervals are applied
Q8 Auto 15 - Transmission Fluid - Extended Drain - Tranzmile
Q8 Auto 15 ED is a synthetic-based ATF with Extended Drain capability. It is designed for use in automatic transmission of buses, commercial vehicles, passenger cars, off-highway/ construction and military equipment where severe operating conditions prevail …
Q8 Auto 15 - Transmission Fluid - Tranzmile
A versatile product meeting most applications where a friction modified automatic transmission fluid is required. Permits rationalism and avoids wrong ATF choice. Q8 Auto 15 is a synthetic-based Dextron III automatic transmission oil. Meets …
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Q8 Auto 15
Q8 Auto 15 Description Automatic synthetic based transmission fluid Application • In automatic transmissions of most passenger cars, busses, off-highway/construction and military equipment as well as in selected manual transmissions • Also …
Q8 Auto 15 ED är en syntetisk ATF-olja för tyngre fordon som har "förlängda bytesintervall"- godkännanden från ZF TE-ML 14B och Voith DIWA H55.6336.3X. Q8 Auto 15 ED garanterar långa bytesintervaller, ökad tillförlitlighet och erbjuder enastående friktionshållbarhet. Den förhindrar syra- och slambildning och ger ett utmärkt ...
Auto 15 S - Q8
Anbefales til udvalgte automatiske transmissioner i busser, lastbiler, entreprenørmaskiner og andet materiel, hvor hersker krævendedriftsforhold eller forlængede skifteintervaller. Specielt udviklet til ZF Ecomat transmissioner som kræver specifikationen ZF TE-ML 14 for at opnå skifteinterval på 120.000 km. Produktnummer 302617.
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Q8 AUTO 15 S
Q8 AUTO 15 S è fluido sintetico a base PAO utilizzabile nelle trasmissioni automatiche che operano in condizioni di esercizio molto gravose. Formulato con un pacchetto di additivi che previene la formazione di ruggine e corrosione, presenta una …