QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
This wiki content is a mirror of the QB64 Wiki on GitHub integrated into QB64.com with a primary purpose of providing search landing for the QB64 language when using a web browser to find help. This mirror is an ongoing work in progress - as is the wiki that it is based.
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
An Official QB64 Repo has been established that forks directly from the GalleonDragon Repo and incorporates all of the changes, additions, etc. that were done as part of the “QB64 Team”. This work is in preparation for future work on QB64 once a lot of the administration issues are worked through. – Cory Smith. 2022-04-25
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
A GUI engine and WYSIWYG interface designer for QB64. The ultimate GUI toolkit for QB64. InForm is a Rapid Application Development tool for QB64. It consists of a library of graphical routines and a WYSIWYG editor that allows you to design forms and export the resulting code to generate an event-driven QB64 program. Overview
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
QB64 -c yourfile.BAS; QB64 -x yourfile.BAS (compiles using the console only) QB64 -c yourfile.BAS -o destination_path\destination executable_name.exe (compiles the .BAS file and outputs the executable to a separate folder) The -z option does not even create an executable file, it performs the first compile pass only (syntax checking and ...
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Home • Forums • News • GitHub • Wiki • Samples • InForm • GX • QBjs • Community • More…
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS. HTTP/1.1 protocol downloads can be done using a GET request using the following format without HTTP:// in the url:
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Bitwise operators are much like the regular mathematics operators (+, * etc.) but are defined in terms of the individual bits of their operands.
ASCII and Extended Codes - QB64.com
Note: In QB64 ASC(K$, 2) can read the second byte of the 2 byte code when ASC(K$) reads the first byte as 0. Two Byte Codes. Two Byte ASCII Keyboard Return Values. INKEY$ returns both bytes when two byte keys or key combinations are pressed. The second byte = RIGHT$(keypress$, 1) If the character returned is a two byte code, ASC will return 0.
QB64.com | QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming …
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS. SOUND sets frequency and duration of sounds from the internal PC speaker if the computer has one or the sound card in QB64.