Tank, Heavy No. 2, 183 mm Gun, FV215 - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年5月30日 · The Ordnance, Quick-Firing (QF), 183mm, Tank, L4 Gun. Here it is mounted on the Centurion-based FV4005, a stop-gap vehicle designed to bring the 183mm into service quickly should the Cold War turn hot. The two visible crew members give an idea of the scale of the gun. Colorized by Jaycee “Amazing Ace” Davis.
巨炮怪兽——英国183mm自行反坦克炮小传 - 知乎
英国人没有在火炮和弹种的改良上花费时间,而是直接选择了更大口径的主炮——7.2英寸(183毫米)qf l4。 这是一门基于BL 7.2英寸榴弹炮进行改良得到的产物,如果追溯历史的话,BL榴弹炮在一战时期就已经装备英国军队了。
FV4005 - War Thunder Wiki
The FV4005 Stage II sports one of the largest cannons available in War Thunder Ground Forces, the 183 mm QF L4A1, with the second longest single-shell base reload time of any vehicle, at 38.9 seconds. The L4A1 is restricted to the use of HESH only, due to the weapon originally being envisaged as an anti-emplacement howitzer.
FV215B183 - 百度百科
在征服者MK II的基础上发展的重型 自行反坦克炮。 是AT系列和征服者系列的结合体,为对抗1945年苏联新式坦克而研发的新装备。 最大的特点是它的主炮安装在后置炮塔内。 而且其最大特色是装备了一门口径为183MM的巨炮,该项目在木质模型完成后被终止。 自从看到IS3在二战末亮相后,可以肯定的说,西方的军队们有点担心。 比如英国就立刻开始研发可以与这个新威胁一战的新型战车。 于是在1950年,他们开始了代号为 FV215 的计划。 这个极少有人知道的英国的 …
“奇葩的红茶坦克”——“毁灭巨炮”FV4005(上) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月21日 · 为了与苏联的坦克相抗衡,英国军方研制了一种凶狠,威力极大的新型反坦克炮,即183毫米(7.2英寸)L4 反坦克炮。 最棘手的问题是寻找一个合适的“坐骑”来搭载这门可怕的巨炮。 车体的搭载计划最初被提议用FV215项目的车体。 因为这种自行火炮的设计基于FV200系列通用坦克的设计。 然而,因为种种原因,车体并没有被正式使用。 红茶的设计师们再次尝试,这一次,他们提出了一个建议,将这门巨炮安装在英国值得信赖(红茶撒不了)的新型主战坦克“ …
The FV4005 - The Tank Museum
2023年11月16日 · The gun was named the L4A1, and the calibre settled on was 183mm, or 7.2”. It would fire High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) ammunition. This ammunition was incredibly large and heavy and had to be loaded as a separate projectile and case. The projectile weighed 145lb (65.8kg) and was 29 ¾” (76cm) long.
FV4005 | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.67 "Assault", the FV4005 Stage II is truly the epitome of a "glass cannon". With the largest-calibre conventional tank gun in the game at 183 mm, even glancing hits from its powerful HESH shells tend to result in significant damage to a target.
British Colossus: FV4005 - Tank Archives
2016年2月28日 · In 1950, work started on the QF L4 gun, the most powerful tank gun in the world. The gun weighed a little under 4 tons and had nearly 87 tons of recoil force. In order to clear the fighting compartment of propellant fumes, the gun had a fume extractor fitted. Only one type of shell was planned for this gun: HESH (High Explosive Squashed Head).
Something is wrong with the 183 mm QF L4A1 of the FV4005
2025年2月1日 · It struggles to damage the Tiger H1 from the sides and from the rear. It has happened to me several times that when shooting a Tiger I from the side, the shot only damaged the track. Today, I shot a Tiger I 2 times and didn’t get the kill. First shot: from the side: I only destroyed its track. Second shot: I destroyed it’s breech.
183mm QF L4A1 - Cursed Tank Simulator Wiki
The 183mm QF L4A1 is a British cold war weapon that was developed in the 1950s with the designation Ordnance, (veryslow)Quick-Firing, 183mm, Tank, L4 Gun. This behemoth of a gun was a direct response to the Soviet Union's IS-3 heavy tank and its …