IACV AAC cleaning and testing tutorial - Nissan Forums
2009年3月25日 · i am trying to take the iacv valve in order to clean it and hopefully solve my fluctuating idle problem. i have managed to take out the 4 bolts fairly easily but having trouble …
Nissan QG18DE / QG15DE Engine Workshop Manual
Nissan QG18DE/QG15DE Repair Manual. This is a manual on the engine mechanics of this Nissan model. Contains instructions and data on repair procedures. Includes exploded views …
Where Is Idling Adjuster In QG 15? SOLVED- trinituner.com
2009年2月13日 · No the butterfly the spring loaded flap where the hot water goes, in The QG like it controls the air that sticks and cause problems with IACV and the ECU IC's Top Advertisement
Idle problem on QG15DE | Nissan Forum
2013年8月22日 · 1) Taking the throttle body off, and then cleaning it. (Nothing changes, the problem remains). 2) Checking the resistance of the IACV. 22 ohm on each coil side ( ref. …
Iac-aac Valve - The Nissan Club
2002年9月10日 · The IACV-AAC valve controls the engine idle speed to a specified level. I'd take it off and check to see if the spring is broken, or if the plunger is sticking. This is however …
throttle body and idle air control valve cleaning [nissan]
how to clean remove and install the throttle body and idle air control valve.
QG 15 problems.- trinituner.com
2006年12月25日 · I cleaned TB, IACV, PCV, replaced plugs, air filter but same problem remained. A mechanic told me it was coil packs. While d car was idling, he disconnected each ignition …
Need Help Please - M.A.F Trouble Manual Wing Road (Y11)
2014年1月27日 · you already got some useful tips. check and clean IACV PCV etc.. check injectors and fuel pressure...if the ECU was faulty it should have shown up on the diagnostic …
iacv/aac valve - Nissan Forum - Nissan Forum | Nissan Forums
2007年5月18日 · Question: The AAC is 1 of 2 items on the IACV, the other one is the FICD which raises the idle when you turn on the AC or turn the steering wheel right to the lock. Did they …
Nissan QG15DE - Engine Specs
The Nissan QG15DE is a 1.5 liter (1,497 cc, 91.35 cu·in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Nissan QG-family. The QG15DE motor has a cast-iron cylinder block …