QL82C v. QL82YC Champion Plugs - iboats Boating Forums
2002年1月17日 · Re: QL82C v. QL82YC Champion Plugs If these are what might be considered normal pugs, and not the surface gap type, the "Y" suffix usually will refer to a projected …
What's the difference between QL77JC4 and the QL82C
2022年5月22日 · L77JC4 has a .040 gap. QL82C has .030....030 is omc recommendation for at least several smaller 2 strokes. And I know they recommend both plugs, that I don't know why. …
Tuning advice needed, and what sparkplug will work best for my …
2011年5月23日 · QL82C is the proper one if you have a stereo or something electronic on the boat if not id run L82C instead same heat range but the "Q" indicates a resistor plug and this …
QL78YC VS QL82YC | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
2006年5月14日 · Re: QL78YC VS QL82YC You have it backwards. Champion plugs are hottoer the higher the number. The 82 is a hotter plug than the 78.<br />If I remember right the factory …
1989 E88MSLCER Spark Plug and Gap Question - Boating Forum
2023年12月7日 · The recommended plugs are Champion QL77JC4 or QL82C , gapped at 0.030" The "Q" indicates inductive suppression Although you could use unsuppressed plugs you …
champion or ngk spark plugs - iboats Boating Forums
2010年11月24日 · Re: champion or ngk spark plugs The current recommendation is for Champion QL77JC4 or QL86C gapped at 0.030" (thats 0.7 to 0.8 mm you and me) QL86C are just a little …
hottest Champion plug | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
2002年6月11日 · Which is the hotter Champion plug, QL82C or QL77JC4 ? I just left a Johnson dealer that sold me the QL77JC4 saying it was the hottest, but looking at the Champion Heat …
1996 johnson 115 spark plug - iboats Boating Forums
2005年3月25日 · Re: 1996 johnson 115 spark plug If the 115hp is a 60 degree motor, the correct plug is QL78YC. If it is a 90 degree motor, use the QL82C plug.<br /><br />The only correct …
Next hotter plug from QL77JC4? - iboats Boating Forums
2013年8月21日 · The next warmer plug is a QL82C but as the others mentioned, plug fouling is normally due to other engine factors than the plugs themselves. CaneCutter79 Chief Petty Officer
Champion spark plug L77JC4 or L82C for Johnson 9.9?
2010年7月2日 · Sorry for the elementary questions here, but thanks for the help. According to sparkplugs.com and the champion manual at West Marine, my engine uses the L82c plug, but …