Qt add menuBar, menus, and sub menus to QMainWindow
I have a hard time adding menu Bar, menus and sub menus to Qt QMainWindow programmatically. The following code produces an error: QWidget::setLayout: Attempting to set QLayout "" on QMainWindow ...
qt4 - Adding custom widgets to QMenuBar - Stack Overflow
2010年10月12日 · Qt3 used to provide QMenuBar::insertItem with QWidget* parameter. This way any custom widget could be added to menu bar - for example a clock-widget. In Qt4 there is no such overloaded method. What would be the best way to reach the same goal - adding custom widgets to a menu bar? The custom widgets should be integrated in the layout of menu bar.
qt - How to add a QWidget to a QMenuBar? - Stack Overflow
2016年8月10日 · I want to add a QLabel to a QMenuBar. I was able to add a QLabel to a QMenu using QActionWidget, but I want the QLabel to sit on the QMenuBar (as a substitute for a QMenu) at the right end of my application. I intend to add a movie to this QLabel in order to simulate a loading circle to indicate that the application is running.
Qt: Change application QMenuBar contents on Mac OS X
2014年9月24日 · Beside QMenuBar::addAction you can use QMenuBar::removeAction and QMenuBar::insertAction if you want to make creation only of some specific menu items dynamically. Based on your source code here it's modified version of it which deals with all menus dynamic creation on every button click (you do this in your source code) and the menu 'Dynamic ...
python - How do I add a menubar to a QWidget? - Stack Overflow
2016年7月5日 · It will be a good idea to keep using QMainWindow since QMenuBar is designed to be used within it. That said, I found this post helpful when I was also looking into doing same: Qt QWidget add menubar
How to give a QMenuBar button an action? - Stack Overflow
2014年6月17日 · I develop a GUI using PyQt/Qt4/QtDesigner. It includes a MenuBar with buttons. For example,File drops down to show Exit. I am struggling to understand how to add an action to these buttons. Is it the
c++ - How to add a Menubar to a QWidget? - Stack Overflow
QMenuBar* mainMenu = this->menuBar(); But it is possible to add it to QWidget, just as any other widget. Just don't allocate it in the local scope, because it will be deleted after the function finishes. Instead, do it like with other widgets: QMenuBar mainMenu = new QMenuBar(this);
Change highlight color for a specific item (QAction type) on a …
2022年5月20日 · To extend the question, I would not only use this for the minimize-maximize-close actions, but also to understand how to apply different hover/selected colors on QActions in the QMenuBar (not in the QMenu, which I already found a solution for that).
Qt5: How to hide or remove a QMenu from the QMenuBar?
2016年1月16日 · I am using Qt5 on Windows7 platform: Qt Creator version is: v3.3.2. Qt version 5.5.1 and MinGW 32bit. Currently, in the menu bar I have: Configuration - Reports - Help I searched SO and I
How to set buttons in QMenuBar at right corner in Qt5?
2013年3月11日 · I need to add two buttons at right side of QMenuBar (in left usual menu items) This question might have an answer on how to add the buttons to the right side of a menu bar: Stacking QPushButtons on the other side of a QMenuBar. and change it icons time by time. You can use a QTimer to trigger a slot periodically.