QPS Fix Generator Boxes
QPS Fix Generator Boxes. The QPS Fix Generator MK x is a hardware extension manufactured by QPS to be used with the Qinsy online package. It has the possibility to receive and/or send two closure (CLS) or TTL pulses.
QPS PPS and Fix Adapter
The QPS PPS Adapter is a hardware extension manufactured by QPS to be used with the Acquisition Software. It has the possibility to receive a TTL pulse that can be used for PPS (Pulse-Per-Second) support.
Hypack USB Fixbox - 17
Fixbox is output only, it can not be used to receive events like the QPS trigger boxes can. Standard USB cable may be used. The fixbox is shipped together with a CD with software. Follow installation guidelines as supplied by Hypack. A virtual COM port driver should be installed on PC.
Qinsy 9 - QPS
Qinsy is a survey planning, acquisition, and real-time hydrographic data processing solution, supporting a wide variety of industries, from simple single beam surveys to complex offshore construction works. Reasons to start with Qinsy. Beyond the basics. Simply put, there is no job that Qinsy can't handle.
HydroCharting NG - QPS - Google Sites
The QPS PPS Adapter only supports one in-port that can receive a TTL pulse (FIX-TLL). The TTL signal pulse is defined as a signal that ranges from 0V to 5V. The standard PPS-TTL device does not...
尴尬的面试现场:说说你们系统有多大QPS?系统到底怎么抗住高 …
那如果你们从网关入口层进来的请求是5000/s的话,那你能画图说一下你负责的每个服务的接口的QPS是多少? 然后你们的各个中间件,MySQL、Redis、 ES 、RocketMQ,他们各自的QPS都是多少?
一文搞懂高并发性能指标:QPS、TPS、RT、并发数、吞吐量 - 知乎
QPS:Queries Per Second是衡量信息检索系统(例如搜索引擎或数据库)在一秒钟内接收到的搜索流量的一种常见度量。 该术语在任何请求-响应系统中都得到更广泛的使用,更正确地称为每秒请求数(RPS:Request Per Second)。 高性能、高并发、高可用(简称“三高”)要求的系统必须注意其QPS,才能知道何时扩容系统以处理更多请求。 TPS:是Transactions Per Second的缩写,也就是事务数/秒。 它是软件测试结果的测量单位。 一个事务是指一个客户端向服务器发送 …
关于QPS高并发,你了解多少? - CSDN博客
2020年11月21日 · QPS(Query Per Second,每秒处理请求数)是用来衡量服务性能的一个重要指标,解决每秒数万次的高并发场景,这个指标非常关键。 吞吐量:和高并发相关的,还有一个概念,那就是吞吐量(每秒的数据处理量)。
QPS Fix Generator MK3-MK4-MK5-MK6 - 17
For more information on QPS Fix Generator devices see the Qinsy Knowledge Base - Hardware - MK 2, MK 3, MK 4 and MK 6. (where the MK 5 is similar to the MK 6) Database Setup. The QPS Fix Generator device may be used as an output device …
解决高QPS场景的方法 - CSDN博客
2024年2月18日 · 然而,在高并发场景下,调用频率(Query Per Second, QPS)可能会成为性能瓶颈,导致请求被限制或延迟。为了解决这一问题,腾讯云提供了QPS限制优化的专用网关,旨在提高服务的稳定性和效率。 QPS限制优化专用网关...