QPS rolls out high tech vests to improve officer safety
2022年1月25日 · Next generation integrated load-bearing vests will be rolled out to frontline police officers across Queensland this year in a major safety boost for the Queensland Police Service (QPS).
QPS enhances officer safety with new integrated load bearing …
2021年8月6日 · The Queensland Police Service (QPS) will start acquiring 12,200 new integrated load bearing vests from December 2021. These new vests will largely replace the existing 4750 ballistic plates and vests currently in use by the QPS.
Frontline police to get latest protective vests
2022年8月14日 · Police Minister Mark Ryan said the new integrated load-bearing vests (ILBV) would see police better protected, with the combined ballistic and edged weapon safety features part of police officer’s operational uniform for the first time in …
New ILBV saves officer from angry bull in Qld’s Southwest
2023年11月8日 · It’s not everyday that police protective gear is put to the test by a bull on the loose, but this specific incident has highlighted just how vital the new Integrated Load Bearing Vest (ILBV) is.
The QPU has contributed significantly to the development of the …
The ILBV is a combination of soft and hard wearable body armour that will provide protection from ballistic and bladed weapons. Feedback from operational police during the trial phase assisted in heat regulation designs.
Qld police roll out high-tech vests to boost officer safety
2022年8月18日 · The QPS has signed a contract to ensure the vests will be on-line soon to better protect officers and keep them safe. Police Minister Mark Ryan said the new integrated load-bearing vests (ILBV) will see police better protected, with the combined ballistic and edged weapon safety features part of the police officer’s operational uniform for ...
Queensland Police Service Rolls Out High Tech Vests for Officer …
2022年1月26日 · Next-generation integrated load-bearing vests will be rolled out to frontline police officers across Queensland this year in a major safety boost for the Queensland Police Service (QPS).
New state-of-art operational equipment trial for Queensland …
2023年8月9日 · It follows the roll out of the internationally awarded but locally designed Integrated Load Bearing Vests (ILBV) across the state. The new ILBVs combine the existing capabilities of ballistic, reflectorised and load bearing with integrated edged …
Police to wear all-in-one body armour - PS News
2022年8月16日 · The QPS has signed a contract to ensure the next generation of vests are ready as soon as possible to enhance officer safety. Minister for Police, Mark Ryan said the new integrated load-bearing vests (ILBV) would see police better protected, with the combined ballistic and edged weapon safety features part of operational uniforms for the first ...
New vest saves police officer from angry bull at truck rollover
2023年11月8日 · Luckily, the officer was recently fitted with the new Integrated Load Bearing Vest (ILBV), which may have made all the difference when he was charged by the bull into the bulbar of a truck, before hitting the ground and being stomped on.