Qinsy 9 - QPS
Qinsy is a survey planning, acquisition, and real-time hydrographic data processing solution, supporting a wide variety of industries, from simple single beam surveys to complex offshore construction works.
Qinsy - QPS
2025年3月10日 · Download Qinsy Latest version. We are pleased to present you the latest version of Qinsy with all new features and better performance.
Qinsy Documentation
Release Notes, Details on the latest release of Qinsy; Getting Started, Learn Qinsy quickly and effectively with our guides; How-to Articles, Find ...
QPS Qinsy 9.6.5 - 闪电软件园
2024年10月24日 · QPS Qinsy是领先的测量规划以及采集和实时水文数据处理解决方案!稳定、灵活、简单快捷,为用户进行顺利工作提供坚实的基础,用户可以轻松完成最简单的测量,也可以完成复杂的工程挑战,立即调查采集和实时质量控制!精准跟踪多个对象位置,获取多个传感器数
QPS Qimera处理Qinsy采集的db格式多波束数据 - CSDN博客
2021年2月10日 · QPS Qimera最新版支持主要的原始声呐文件格式,同时内置了声速分析(折射),校准(补丁测试)和摆动测试等工具。QPS Qimera软件使用核心QPS技术构建而成,能够改变数据处理方式和操作员在处理水文数据时的体验。
Qinsy 9.7.4 Release - qpssoftware.scrollhelp.site
2024年12月16日 · Qinsy 9.7.4 Release 16 December 2024. We are pleased to present Qinsy version 9.7.4. This Qinsy release includes mostly bug fixes and two driver changes: Please find more info on this in the chapters mentioned below.
2. Qinsy Database Setup
2. Qinsy Database Setup. This page provides an overview of how to create a template database in Qinsy 9. When a new project is created in Qinsy 9, it is a little different from creating a project in QINSy 8.X.XX: The main difference is, that the Geodetics are now stored in the project itself, and not in the template anymore
QPS Qimera处理Qinsy采集的db格式多波束数据 - 知乎
百度了一下,Qimera可以处理Qinsy db数据。 我们单位也买了Qimera的 软件狗。 在网上也可以下载Qimera1.6.3版本,安装了也可以用。 现在将处理过程发出来。 1、新建项目. 2、增加原始数据. 3、增加声速数据. db文件加载了以后,在主窗口的左上角窗口Peoject Sources里的Sound Velocity Profiles里已经有一个SVP文件,如果没有,可以导入CARIS格式的SVP文件。 4、创建动态面Create Dynamic Surface. 选择要创建动态面的测线文件,然后点击工具条上的Create Dynamic …
Check out our latest releases - QPS
We’re proud to announce our latest Qinsy 9.1, Qimera 2.1 and Fledermaus 8.1 versions. These releases will provide you with an array of integration options! Qinsy 9.1 newest features entail the new online wingline creation, an auto recording option and Qinsy users have now access to the patch test in Qimera for free.