Strengthen our culture to better reflect our values. Deliver e ective and responsive policing and community safety services, ensuring our communities are safe and feel safe. Provide culturally safe, victim-centric and trauma informed practices to support victims.
Our Values c Plan 2021-2025, QPS members valu Integrity: Is in everything we do. We are honest, trustworthy and hold each other to a high standard. Professionalism: Times are challenging but if we are professional in everything we do, our communities will continue to …
The QPS shares the Queensland Public Service values of: The QPS contributed to the government’s objectives for the community by delivering quality frontline services and supporting safe, caring and connected communities. The QPS did this through our focus on:
ion Our Values Integrity: Is in everything we do. We are honest, . ld each other to a high standard. Professionalism: Times are challenging but if we are professional in everything . e do, our communities will continue to support us. The Queensland Police Service respectfully acknowledges First Nations peoples as t.
About QPS | Queensland Police Service Recruiting
The QPS is an equal opportunity employer that recognises modern policing in a diverse society requires officers who reflect the Queensland community. Attributes important to operational police officers include: demonstrate the QPS values (as outlined in the QPS Strategic Plan) good communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal)
Frequently Asked Questions | Queensland Police Service Recruiting
The QPS offers a number of incentives in terms of pay, leave and career development opportunities. This includes: The starting salary of a First Year Constable is $87,509* per annum, which comprises $72,322* + 21% Operational Shift Allowance (OSA) 6 weeks recreation leave per year 13 weeks long service leave after 10 years of service
Public service values | For government | Queensland Government
Use our Public service values to guide you in your behaviour and decision making. Demonstrate the values to others. Encourage creativity, diversity, accountability and collaboration in the Queensland Government. Use the Public service values toolkit to promote our values. Read our Public service values.
Mission, Vision, and Values - QPS
Our passionate and productive work creates value for patients and customers, while creating opportunities for employees to grow and thrive. We make and keep promises and build trust …
Lead the QPS service delivery model during growing and changing demands influenced by numerous factors including population growth, the ageing population and cultural diversity Champion networks and partnerships across the public/private sectors and the community to create opportunities to improve responses and enhance social cohesion and ...
Queensland Police Service - Wikipedia
The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is the principal law enforcement agency responsible for policing the Australian state of Queensland. In 1990, the Queensland Police Force was officially renamed the Queensland Police Service and the old motto of "Firmness with Courtesy" was changed to "With Honour We Serve".