What do "QRM" and "QSB" refer to? - Amateur Radio Stack …
Apr 13, 2017 · $\begingroup$ The QRM and QRN Q codes are over 100 years old. Back in 1912 the noise from modern electronics was non-existent; received noise was either "atmospherics" (natural noise, or QRN in other words), or obvious interference from someone else's signal or harmonics, i.e. QRM. Nowadays most people would agree with you that QRN means static …
New DMR Network - QRZ Forums
Mar 7, 2019 · A new DMR network has been formed. It is called QRM_Network. This is a good place to experiment with new hardware and software. Hotspot config...
QRM.guru a new resource for amateurs from RASA | QRZ Forums
Mar 11, 2019 · QRM.guru is a project of RASA and has been designed as a free resource for all, in the spirit that is Amateur Radio. Please send questions or feedback to [email protected] . VK6AS , Mar 11, 2019
Review of the QRM eliminator by US4LG - QRZ Forums
Feb 12, 2020 · For those suffering from man-made noise on HF, a QRM eliminator could be a solution. I wrote a review:...
Where to find QRM and/or QRN audio files?
Oct 14, 2020 · They call these noises QRN, probably because many sound a lot like static, but I'd call them QRM, because their origin is man-made. Old-fashioned QRN from lightning doesn't seem to be present in their recordings. Randy K5ZD has shared audio recordings he made of several of his HF contest efforts. If you listen long enough you'll probably hear ...
QRM DMR Network status report - QRZ Forums
Jun 23, 2020 · The QRM DMR Network has been up and running for about 15 months. At the present time there have been about 25 talk groups assigned. The server is in a cloud that is located in Chicago. The network address of the DMR server is qrm.kc3ol.net. The port number is 62031, and the password is passw0rd. That's a zero in the password and not an o.
qrm | QRZ Forums
Feb 16, 2021 · QRM.guru a new resource for amateurs from RASA News release From the Radio Amateur Society of Australia RASA. RASA announces the release of QRM.guru This is an innovative web delivered...
FT8 Burnout? Possible Remedy: Conversation | QRZ Forums
Nov 22, 2017 · Olivia decodes well under other conditions that are a complex mix of atmospheric noise, signal fading (QSB), interference (QRM), polar flutter caused by a radio signal traversing a polar path. Olivia is even capable when the signal is affected by auroral conditions (including the Sporadic-E Auroral Mode, where signals are refracted off of the ...
Extremely strong QRM on VHF? - Amateur Radio Stack Exchange
Mar 10, 2020 · This QRM appears all around the neighborhood. It's difficult to pinpoint since it's so strong (it's so strong I don't need to open my squelch to hear it). The signal stays mostly at 145.650 but from time to time it shifts up and down. Yesterday it was at 145.850. What on earth could be causing such strong interference? Could it be power line ...
Experiencing QRM on 20 and 40 meters - QRZ Forums
Dec 27, 2021 · QRM = interference from other signals. QRN = interference from natural or human-made static. I hear both on 20 and 40.