multithreading - what is the correct way to implement a QThread ...
2018年2月14日 · This saves having to subclass QThread and creating your objects in the run() method, thus keeping your stuff nicely encapsulated. That blog post does include a link to an …
Background thread with QThread in PyQt - Stack Overflow
2011年7月22日 · Do not subclass QThread. Doing so is always the wrong thing to do, because the QThread object lives in the parent thread; ergo, slots signalled on this object run in the …
QThread::currentThread () vs QObject::thread () - Stack Overflow
2015年10月22日 · QThread * QObject::thread() const returns the thread in which a particular QObject lives. QThread * QThread::currentThread() Returns a pointer to a QThread which …
c++ - QThread::create running on UI Thread - Stack Overflow
2019年10月23日 · If QObjects are created within QThread::run(), they cannot become children of the QThread object because the QThread does not live in the thread that calls QThread::run(). …
qt - QThread & C++11 lambda: wait for finished - Stack Overflow
2016年8月4日 · The started->process connection is sometimes an anti-pattern. If the worker is always supposed to do the work as soon as its thread's event loop gets going, you can self …
C++/Qt - QThread vs QRunnable - Stack Overflow
2017年11月2日 · QThread can run an event loop, QRunnable doesn't have one so don't use it for tasks designed to have an event loop. Also, not being a QObject, QRunnable has no built-in …
c++ - Why can't I start a QThread on a signal? - Stack Overflow
2020年7月24日 · So, moving worker2 to its QThread means that the signal is sent to the event loop of worker2.qThread – which is actually not yet started. Hence, the event cannot be …
qt How to put my function into a thread - Stack Overflow
2011年6月17日 · Add a QThread member then in myslot move your object to the thread and run the function.. class myclass: public Qwidget { QThread thread; public: slots: void …
Qt: Correct way to post events to a QThread? - Stack Overflow
2011年6月1日 · Although Qthread has its own event loop, only events and signals for QObjects created in the run() method (created in that thread) will be processed in the QThread event …
c++ - Minimal Example to use Qt Threads? - Stack Overflow
2016年1月1日 · QThread* thisthread = this->thread(); QThread* mainthread = QCoreApplication::instance()->thread(); Set a breakpoint immediately after that and see that …