Expdp error logging: - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2012年12月5日 · Cero, Thanks a lot. That helped. i now grep the file to check for errors and take necessary actions from there.
Zip dump file using expdp: - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2013年1月4日 · Hi All, i am using expdp to create a dump file of contents from an oracle table. I want this dump file to be zipped. Is there a way/ option in expdp where the dump file will be automatically zipped wh | The UNIX and Linux Forums
Email body not formatted with html and sendmail - The UNIX and …
2013年12月31日 · Hi All, I am trying to send the contents of a file as email body. I am using html email and sendmail option of unix. I am using the below piece of code for the same : pre { overflow:scroll; margin:2px | The UNIX and Linux Forums
Format options while Redirecting output of sql to a file in shell
2012年12月14日 · In my korn shell - I have a sql with say 6 columns whose output i am redirecting to a file and attaching this file while sending a mail. While all this happens correctly, i face issues in the format o | The UNIX and Linux Forums
deleting file created from mysql - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2008年7月28日 · Hi , I am trying to get the log of Datastage job and email it to the user with the log as an attachment and body in the email.every time i run the script one email is sent to the specified user id as expected.and meanwhile an .txt file is created in the path where sript is placed with the same...
GetPivotData function returning N/A error for some rows - Excel …
2006年5月15日 · Austria 1-R1-1 QWERTYU AUSTRIA Yes Yes No Sum of Orders Product Units 8 Sum of Orders Net CLC 1,678 Sum of Shipts 1st Tier Product Units 1 Sum of Shipts 1st Tier Net CLC -2,261 1-R1-10 ASDFGHJ HJ Yes Yes No Sum of Orders Product Units 5 Sum of Orders Net CLC 577 Sum of Shipts 1st Tier Product Units Sum of Shipts 1st Tier Net CLC
redirecting SQL output from within a shell script - The UNIX and …
2007年11月23日 · I am trying to write SQL query output into a .csv file. But in the output columns are displaying in different lines instead of coming in one line.
Zip dump file using expdp: - Page 2 - The UNIX and Linux Forums
2013年1月7日 · Hi all i am very new to shell scripting and need some help from you to learn 1)i have some log files that gets generated on daily basis example: i have abc_2017_01_30_1.log ,2017_01_30_2.log like wise so i want to zip this 4 logs which are …
Take Data From a table and send it through mail - The UNIX and …
2013年3月9日 · Hi can anyone help me in writing a code for taking data from a table and need to send that data through mail using mail -x command.. | The UNIX and Linux Forums
Pivot Table - Only show the relevant values in rest of filters based …
2018年9月27日 · By qwertyu_zxc in forum Excel Charting & Pivots Replies: 1 Last Post: 07-16-2015, 05:46 AM. VBA select ...