Qadi - Wikipedia
A qadi (/ ˈkɑːdi /; Arabic: قاضي, romanized: qāḍī[a]) is the magistrate or judge of a Sharia court, who also exercises extrajudicial functions such as mediation, guardianship over orphans and minors, and supervision and audition of public works. [1]
在巴格达还设有最高卡迪 (Qadi al-Qudat,即 卡迪·库达特),统辖全国的司法审判工作。 卡迪不受地方行政长官约束,独立行使司法和审判权。 卡迪制度一度为伊斯兰国家的基本司法制度。 13世纪后,由于异族的入侵,统一的哈里发国家解体,卡迪制度随之衰落。 奥斯曼帝国 崛起后,卡迪制度得到恢复和发展。 帝国一度以伊斯兰法为惟一的司法制度。 进入近现代,特别是 第二次世界大战 以来,随着伊斯兰国家社会的演变和法制改革的兴起,传统的司法制度受到巨大冲击, …
Qadi | Definition, Islam, & Facts | Britannica
Qadi, in Islam, a judge who renders decisions according to the Shariah (Islamic law). The qadi’s jurisdiction theoretically includes civil as well as criminal matters. In modern states, however, qadis generally hear only cases related to personal status and religious custom.
Dispensing Justice in Islam: Qadis and Their Judgements
Dispensing Justice is designed to serve as a sourcebook of Islamic legal practice and qadi court records from the rise of Islam to modern times, drawing upon court records and qadi judgments, in addition to literary sources.
Category:Qadis - Wikipedia
Chief Qadis of Emirate of Dir'iyah (2 P) Chief qadis of the Abbasid Caliphate (11 P) G. Grand muftis of India (1 C, 7 P) I. Iraqi qadis (1 P) Q. Qazis of the Maldives (6 P) S. Grand Muftis of Saudi Arabia (4 P) Pages in category "Qadis" The following 16 …
Qadi (Kadi, Kazi) - Encyclopedia.com
A qadi is the term for a Muslim judge who issues definitive rulings in cases brought by disputants for resolution. The word qadi is derived from the root word q-d-y, meaning "to resolve," "to settle," "to decide." Judicial practice is seen as an extension of the function of the ruler and is thus indirectly linked to orderly governance.
Qadi: Discover History of Sharia Law Judge | Timeless Myths
2022年1月11日 · What is a Qadi? A Qadi is a Muslim judge who makes decisions following Sharia law. A Qadi’s jurisdiction includes civil and criminal matters. In modern states, qadis generally only hear cases related to personal status and religious customs. This includes marriage, divorce, and inheritance disputes.
Qadi - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月8日 · According to Muslim legal doctrine, the qadi or judge is a public official whose primary responsibilities entail the administration of justice on the basis of the divinely revealed law of Islam, known in Arabic as the shari ʿa.
Qadi - Jerusalem Story Project
Historically, in Muslim societies, qadis were considered the primary religious leaders of the community. Starting in the mid-19th century, with the secularization of Ottoman administration, qadis’ roles were increasingly restricted to personal …
QADIS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of QADI is a Muslim judge who interprets and administers the religious law of Islam.