excitation of the qFM (i.e. I) and qAFM (i.e. II) magnon modes respectively. Nonlinear non-rephasing (NR, [;]) and rephasing (R, i.e. photon echo, [; ]) signals corre-sponding to individual magnon modes are seen as well as pump-probe (PP, [;0]), two-quantum (2Q, [;2]), THz rectification (TR, [0;]), and second-harmonic generation (SHG, [2 ...
Terahertz field-induced nonlinear coupling of two magnon modes …
2024年1月31日 · This peculiar magnetic structure allows for two primary cooperative motions of sublattice spins, corresponding to two distinct magnon modes 27, 28, that is, the quasi-ferromagnetic (qFM) mode,...
Terahertz-field-driven magnon upconversion in an …
2024年1月23日 · As a result, magnon excitation follows specific selection rules: the quasi-ferromagnetic (qFM) mode can only be resonantly driven by a THz field whose magnetic-field component is perpendicular to...
Ultrastrong magnon–magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant ... - Nature
2021年5月25日 · Here, we demonstrate matter-matter USC in YFeO 3, a rare-earth orthoferrite 21, that is analytically described by a unique cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) Hamiltonian with tunable coupling...
2019年7月6日 · We summarize different quasi-ferromagnetic modes (qFM) and quasi-antiferromagnetic modes (qAFM), as well as the spin reorientation transition temperatures of RFeO 3. Coherent control of spin waves at THz frequency promises fruitful applications in ultrafast magnetization control and has received increasing attention.
物理系曹世勋教授团队在《Nature Communications》上发表最新 …
2021年5月25日 · 通过测量不同切角(θ)高质量YFeO 3 单晶的自旋共振频率随外加强磁场的变化,系统研究了YFeO 3 单晶的准铁磁模式(qFM)和准反铁磁模式(qAFM)产生的免交叉行为。通过改变样品的切角可以实现耦合强度的调控。
《Nature Physics》:理学院曹世勋教授团队在光与物质非线性耦 …
2024年1月24日 · 在垂直构型中检测到的2D THz谱显示出一个很强的交叉峰,激发频率和发射频率分别对应于准铁磁模式(qFM)和准反铁磁模式(qAFM)的磁振子模式。 峰值振幅是泵浦磁场的平方,明确地揭示了非线性上转换过程:只有当qFM磁振子模式被激发时,才允许发射qAFM磁振 ...
Empowering Control of Antiferromagnets by THz-Induced Spin …
2023年8月29日 · Finding efficient and ultrafast ways to control antiferromagnets is believed to be instrumental in unlocking their potential for magnetic devices operating at THz frequencies. Still, it is challenged by the absence of net magnetization in the ground state.
Observation of terahertz-induced dynamical spin canting in
2023年3月20日 · One is the quasi-ferromagnetic mode (qFM), which corresponds to precessional motion of the total magnetization M. The other one is called the quasi-antiferromagnetic mode …
(qFM) mode, which corresponds to a precession of the magnetization orientation, and the quasi-antiferromagnetic (qAFM) mode, which corresponds to an oscillation of the magnetization amplitude. The real-space spin precessions of both are displayed in Fig. 1a. As a first step, we study how the magnon modes in YFeO 3 respond to a single