Temple of Qasr Dush – A Fascinating Relic Of Roman Strength
2014年4月5日 · The Roman Fortress of Dush, which is also known as the mud-brick Temple of Qasr Dush, is interesting in that it was much more than just a place of worship when it was built in 177 AD. This temple functioned very much like a city, complete with a military compound, a religious center, and a sector for people to live in.
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Dush, Egypt - Wikipedia
Dush, Egypt, or (Douch in French) formerly known as Kysis, [1] is a small Ptolemaic and Roman era fortress located in Egypt's vast Western Desert in the Kharga Oasis. [2][3] which was built under the Ptolemies and then under the Roman Emperors Domitian, Trajan and Hadrian.
Qasr Dusch – Wikipedia
Qasr Dusch (arabisch قصر دوش, DMG Qaṣr Dūš) war ein durch die Ptolemäer gegründeter Ort am Ostrand der Libyschen Wüste und besaß in römischer Zeit ein Militärlager, das für Sicherungs- und Überwachungsaufgaben wichtiger
The Roman Fortress At Dush - Travel2Egypt
Located at the southernmost edge of Kharga Oasis, the Roman Fortress at Dush, known simply as el-Qasr (‘the Fortress’), stands as a testament to the historical richness of this region. This mudbrick structure, measuring approximately 30m by 20m, once served as a vital military outpost during Roman times.
Qasr Ad Dush | Western Desert, Egypt - Lonely Planet
About 13km to the southeast of Baris, Qasr Ad Dush is an imposing Roman temple-fortress completed around AD 177 on the site of the ancient town of Kysis. A 1st-century sandstone temple abutting the fortress was dedicated to Isis and Serapis.
关于罗塞塔石碑的几个事实 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Qasr al-Zayan 是位于埃及哈里加绿洲的一座古老寺庙。它是献给底比斯三合会阿蒙、穆特和孔苏的。该神庙始建于希腊时代,公元140年罗马皇帝安东尼努斯·皮乌斯时期进行了扩建和装饰。 Qasr Dush 是一座古老的托勒密神庙,位于埃及的哈里加绿洲。该遗址还包括 ...
The Temple of Dush ,El-Kharga Oasis | Egypt Tour Packages
2024年4月3日 · Dush is an archeological site in El Kharga Oasis, in the Western Desert of Egypt. Dush was a religious, military and civilian complex that primarily developed as the result of the slave trade, and was a staging point for caravans that either headed to Assiut or Esna.
The Temple of Dush - Main Destinations in Egypt - egyptopia.com
Dedicated to Serapis, Isis and Harpocrates, the Temple of Dush (known as Kysis) dates back to the Roman Period. It was entirely enclosed within a Roman mud-brick fortress. It was built during the rule of Domitian and Trajan (1st century BC) and decorated during the rule of Hadrian.
Category:Qasr Dush - Wikimedia Commons
English: Qasr Dush is an archaeological site in the depression of el-Kharga in the Libyan Desert in Egypt. Français : Qasr Douch est un site archéologique dans la dépression d' al-Kharga dans le Désert Libyque en Égypte .
Qasr Dush - Archiqoo
Qasr Dush is an ancient Ptolemaic temple located in Kharga oasis in Egypt. The site also includes a Roman fortress built during the reign of Emperor Domitian in the 1st century AD.