QBZ-191 service rifle family - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · However we also got a picture just a few months ago showing what is likely a schematic of the new assault rifle, which when slightly reoriented shows the silhouette of a rifle whose overall configuration and broad features looks like it is consistent with CS/LR17 (both old and new) as well as the pictures of the competitor rifles that we saw originally.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 375 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · Also, QBZ-95 and QBZ-03 was designed before the advent of Pic rails and quick detach optics, and so iron sight was designed as the primary sighting device and optic-mounting was more of an afterthought, whereas QBZ-191 is clearly designed with mounting optics in mind.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 290 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · The rule of thumb is a usual 9 mm fired from a pistol with a usual barrel length (3.5-5 inches), will emit a sound with an SPL of 160-165 dB. A usual 5.56 mm fired from a rifle with a usual barrel length (14-20 inches), will emit a sound with an SPL of 165-170 dB. For 7.62 NATO this is 168-173...
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 127 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · Right. I already knew that qmk-171 is for older qbz 95, and qmk 152 for qbz-191 and other picatinny railed firearms. The thing is, the optics in the exhibition say QMK-171A, which gives me the impression of being an improved model. Perhaps in the past people reported mistakenly the QMK-171A as just 171? Or maybe this is an new improved ...
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 372 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · And yet they clearly DID want that degree of accuracy out of the DMR QBZ-191 which is nothing more than a baseline QBZ-191 with a longer barrel and a metal handguard; in other words, the rifle was designed with accuracy in mind from the outset but the execution was sloppy and/or some bean counter's concerns took precedence over the designer's.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 371 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · It's relevant because rifles are either free-floating or not free-floating from the get-go, including the ones that have longer barrel options. Unless you want to claim that the QBZ-191 is the first rifle to do this.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 43 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · QBZ-191 has seen undergoing some range test firing in the news segment but its results were not shown; HOWA Type 20 shown with only dry firing. Besides, if you want a "compare", then you'd need some "back-to-back" session by the same shooter at the same shooting range going through a few mags of standard issue ammo.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 79 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · QBZ 191 clearly was designed in the modern era of firearms design. As such the hand guard seems to be inspired off that seen on the ACR. Where in the upper rail is monolithic used as a structural bar on which the hand guard lower section mounts at the front.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 121 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · The QBZ-191 is comparable to the hk416 in many ways, sharing the same gas system (with differences, of course) and an external physical layout. Third world countries that have a considerable amount of their military equipment by china, will see an export version as an affordable version of an short-stroke rifle for their special units.
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 370 - Sino Defence Forum
2019年3月29日 · This pic shows the QBZ-191's handguard reinforcement sleeve which has 3 attachment points in red for the polymer handguard surrounding it. I do not see any attachment points to the gas block itself, likely because the barrel is meant to be free-floating.