86-DOS - Wikipedia
86-DOS (known internally as QDOS, [1] for Quick and Dirty Operating System) is a discontinued operating system developed and marketed by Seattle Computer Products (SCP) for its Intel 8086-based computer kit. 86-DOS shared a few of its commands with other operating systems such as OS/8 and CP/M, which made it easy to port programs from the latter.
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QDOS - Wikipedia
Qdos Entertainment, the UK-based entertainment company who is the world's largest pantomime producer; Q:Dos, a recording name for trance musicians Scott Bond, Darren Hodson, John Purser, Nick Rose; Qdos, range of no-valve metering pumps; QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), first version of the DOS operating system
Windows兴衰史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1980年,西雅图公司24岁的Tim Paterson(蒂姆·帕特森),用4个月开发了一个叫QDOS的操作系统。 QDOS的本意是“简单而有瑕疵的操作系统”(Quick and Dirty Operating System)
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什么是QDOS - 百度知道
May 21, 2007 · 86-DOS也就是QDOS,它由Tim Paterson用6周时间写成,它是基于当时十分流行的CP/M的思想编写的,它使用8086芯片,代码约为4000行汇编。 Microsoft以5万美元买得这个操作系统,修改它并把新的操作系统称为MS-DOS,然后把这个东西交给了IBM。
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