GitHub - erenaykrcn/qetu: Noise Tolerant Ground State Energy …
The work presented in this project delivers an improved error resilience when extracting the eigenvalue information from the ground state prepared through the Quantum Eigenvalue Transformation of Unitary Matrices (QETU) Algorithm, presented by L. Lin et al. [1] Through our approach, we can estimate the eigenvalue up to any arbitary precision ...
[2310.13757] Nearly-optimal state preparation for quantum …
2023年10月20日 · The QETU technique has been originally proposed as an algorithm for nearly-optimal ground state preparation and ground state energy estimation on early fault-tolerant devices. It uses the time-evolution input model, which can potentially overcome the large overall prefactor in the asymptotic gate cost arising in similar algorithms based on the ...
Ground-State Preparation and Energy Estimation on Early Fault …
2022年10月12日 · We develop a tool called quantum eigenvalue transformation of unitary matrices with real polynomials (QETU), which uses a controlled Hamiltonian evolution as the input model, a single ancilla qubit, and no multiqubit control operations and is thus suitable for early fault-tolerant quantum devices.
qsppack/QETU - GitHub
Contribute to qsppack/QETU development by creating an account on GitHub. qet_u.py: A python package for implementing quantum eigenvalue transformation of unitary matrices with real polynomials (QET-U).
Enhancing Scalability of Quantum Eigenvalue Transformation of …
2024年1月17日 · Our method aims to tackle limitations introduced by a small spectral gap and high degeneracy of low energy states. It is based on an adaptive sequence of eigenspace filtering through Quantum Eigenvalue Transformation of Unitary …
[2408.16824] Block encoding by signal processing - arXiv.org
2024年8月29日 · In this work, we demonstrate that QSP-based techniques, such as Quantum Singular Value Transformation (QSVT) and Quantum Eigenvalue Transformation for Unitary Matrices (QETU), can themselves be efficiently utilized for BE implementation.
Nearly optimal state preparation for quantum simulations of …
2024年7月23日 · We use QETU to prepare the ground state of a U(1) lattice gauge theory in two spatial dimensions, explore the dependence of computational resources on the desired precision and system parameters, and discuss the applicability of our …
Both the QETU technique and the convex-optimization method can be useful in applications beyond ground-state preparation and energy estimation. The computational cost is primarily measured in terms of the query complexity, i.e., how many times we need to query U and U I in total, and we also analyze the additional one- and two-qubit gates ...
Nearly-optimal state preparation for quantum simulations of …
We use QETU to prepare the ground state of a U(1) lattice gauge theory in 2 spatial dimensions, explore the dependence of computational resources on the desired precision and system parameters, and discuss the applicability of our results to general lattice gauge theories.
Ground-State Preparation and Energy Estimation on Early
2022年10月12日 · We develop a tool called quantum eigenvalue transformation of unitary matrices with real polynomials (QETU), which uses a controlled Hamiltonian evolution as the input model, a single ancilla qubit, and no multiqubit control operations and is thus suitable for early fault-tolerant quantum devices.