关于冠脉血流储备分数FFR、QFR、FFRCT的简单笔记 - 知乎
QFR是采用两个不同角度拍摄的血管造影(XA)图像,采用一定算法,计算得到FFR指标。 准确的说,是对同一血管,从两个不同角度(角度差大于25度)进行拍照成像,如下图右上方两张XA图像所示。 采用一定算法,可以重建出整条血管的三维模型,并且计算出血流压力在整条血管上的相对变化过程,如下图中间的彩色三维图像所示。 因此,QFR能够选择整条血管上的任意位置,来计算FFR。 图片来源medisimaging.com/qfr/ QFR实现了只需要常规的XA图像,就可以计算FFR …
FFR和QFR技术,令冠心病评估更精准 - 健康界
2019年3月29日 · QFR技术,全名为定量血流分数(Quantitative Flow Ratio),是基于常规术中冠状动脉血管造影术获得的血管造影数据,通过三维重建和血流动力学分析,且可实现术中在线实时获得虚拟FFR的技术。
QFR No Match for FFR in Guiding Revascularizations: FAVOR III …
2024年10月30日 · WASHINGTON, DC—As a guide for deciding whether to revascularize patients with intermediate coronary stenoses, quantitative flow ratio (QFR) isn’t able to match fractional flow reserve (FFR) in terms of 12-month clinical outcomes, data from the large, randomized, FAVOR III Europe trial show.
QFR Versus FFR Derived From Computed Tomography for …
QFR and FFR CT are recently developed, less invasive techniques for functional assessment of coronary artery disease. QFR, FFR CT, and FFR were measured in 152 patients (233 vessels) with stable coronary artery disease. QFR was highly correlated with FFR (r = 0.78; p < 0.001), whereas FFR CT was moderately correlated with FFR (r = 0.63; p < 0.001).
健心知著 | QFR vs FFR指导冠状动脉血运重建(FAVOR III欧洲): …
2024年11月22日 · 本研究(欧洲 FAVOR III)是一项多中心、随机、开放标签、非劣效试验,旨在研究与FFR相比,基于QFR的诊断策略是否能产生非劣效的临床结局。 本文于2024年10月发表于Lancet杂志。 该试验在11个欧洲国家的34个中心进行。 研究纳入了年龄18岁及以上的慢性冠状动脉综合征或急性冠状动脉综合征稳定期患者,至少有一处中度非罪犯狭窄病变(目测狭窄直径为40-90%)。 患者被随机分配(1:1)到QFR引导组或FFR引导组。 主要终点是12个月内死亡、心 …
Quantitative flow ratio versus fractional flow reserve for coronary ...
2024年11月15日 · Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) is an angiography-based computational method for the estimation of FFR that does not require the use of pressure wires. We aimed to investigate whether a QFR-based diagnostic strategy yields a non-inferior 12-month clinical outcome compared with an FFR-based strategy.
Quantitative flow ratio versus fractional flow reserve for coronary ...
2024年11月9日 · Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) is an angiography-based computational method for the estimation of FFR that does not require the use of pressure wires. We aimed to investigate whether a QFR-based diagnostic strategy yields a non-inferior 12-month clinical outcome compared with an FFR-based strategy.
QFR Versus FFR Derived From Computed Tomography for …
2019年10月28日 · Results: QFR was highly correlated with FFR (r = 0.78; p < 0.001), whereas FFR CT was moderately correlated with FFR (r = 0.63; p < 0.001). Both QFR and FFR CT showed moderately good agreement with FFR, presenting small values of mean difference but large values of root mean squared deviation (FFR-QFR, 0.02 ± 0.09; FFR-FFR CT , 0.03 ± 0.11).
Diagnostic Accuracy of Angiography-Based Quantitative Flow …
Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) is a novel angiography-based method for deriving fractional flow reserve (FFR) without pressure wire or induction of hyperemia. The accuracy of QFR when assessed online in the catheterization laboratory has not been adequately examined to date.
Diagnostic performance of QFR vs FFR
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) is an invasive assessment of the functional significance of coronary stenosis utilizing a pressure wire. Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) is an angiography-based approximate of FFR. This new technology appears to be accurate and may be …