骑楼是一种近代商住建筑,建筑物底层沿街面后退且留出公共人行空间的建筑物。 骑楼普遍存在于 南亚 、 东南亚 各国,以及中国的 海南省 、 福建省 、 台湾 、 广东省 、 广西壮族自治区 等沿海侨乡地区。 [1-2] [26] 现代意义上的骑楼最早起源于 印度 的贝尼亚普库尔(Beniapukur)地方,是英国人首先建造的,称之为“廊房”,当地的方言叫eranda [1]。 接着, 新加坡 的开埠者 莱佛士 在 新加坡城 的设计中也使用这种 外廊 结构的建筑,称之为“店铺的公共走廊”, 闽南话 称为“五 …
Qi Lou - Google Scholar
PhD in Computer Science, Sr. Applied Scientist at Amazon/A9. The Thirty-first Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems … 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for...
Qi Lou - Google Scholar
Q Lou, K Jiang, Q Xu, L Yuan, S Xie, Y Pan, J Chen, J Wu, J Zhu, L Jiang, ... Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 139 (21), 3204-3221 , 2022 18
The story of Qilou buildings[1]- Chinadaily.com.cn
2015年3月19日 · Qilou buildings, or arcade-houses, were first popular in Europe and was then introduced to the world. China's first Qilou building was built in Guangzhou, capital of South China's Guangdong province, which is also among the first coastal cities to embrace foreign culture and begin modernization.
[2502.11728] Matrix Low-dimensional Qubit Casting Based …
2025年2月17日 · Facing this challenge, quantum computing offers a promising approach for achieving exponential acceleration. To realize this in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers, the variational quantum linear solution (VQLS) was advocated because of its robustness against depolarizing noise.
Qi Lou, Ph.D. - Faculty Profile - UT Southwestern
Qi Lou, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments. Assistant Instructor. School Medical School Department Physiology
广州特色建筑——骑楼的时代故事 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
骑楼是我国海南、福建、广东、广西等沿海侨乡特有的南洋风情建筑。 广州骑楼大多都是在1920后形成,是从东南亚特别是马来半岛传入,主要是在广东民居竹筒屋的基础上,融合欧洲外廊式样的模仿而成,在其身上正好体现了近代广州对西方异质文化开放融通的地域品格。 广州骑楼的产生,最根本的原因在于自然地理气候。 要知道广州地区属亚热带季风气候,冬无严寒,春无沙尘,沿街店铺不需如北方做封闭式门面处理。 而当骑楼人行道贯穿商业区时,其优点显而易 …
骑楼 (qí lóu)Arcade Building—中国古建筑及其故事英文版介绍
Copying Gothic windows, ancient Roman columns, Southeast Asian holed walls, baroquedecorations or modern functionalism, those arcade buildings were built in various architecturalstyles.
Haikou Qi lou old street - TropicalHainan.com
2020年9月15日 · Located in Haikou, Hainan Province, Qilou Old Street features a stylish fusion of European and Asian architecture, as well as Indian and Arabic influences and was introduced into Haikou by overseas Chinese merchants in the 1920s.
Qi Lou | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Qi Lou is currently working toward the master's degree with the Laboratory of Science and Technology on Integrated Information System, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include parallel computing, …
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