Qichao BAN | Professor (Associate) | PhD | Qingdao University of ...
Qichao BAN, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 31 | of Qingdao University of Technology | Read 11 publications | Contact Qichao BAN
Study on Collision Detection Techniques for the Informed Design …
2022年3月28日 · Q. Ban, Min Lyu, +2 authors Jiawei Yao; Published in HERD 28 March 2022; Engineering, Medicine, Environmental Science; HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Study on Collision Detection Techniques for the Informed Design …
Aims: This study demonstrates an intelligent method that develops algorithms of using collision detection techniques in Building Information Modeling to evaluate outdoor plant visibility for patients.
博士毕业生 - Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Qichao Ban: 2014-2018: Bing Chen (XJTLU), Stephen Sharples (UoL) End-User Centred Participatory Design for Community–Based Healthcare Environments in China: 倪虹: 2016-2023: Yiwen Wang (XJTLU), Sebastian Dembski (UoL), Sheng Zhong (external) Regional Governance through Administrative Annexation: The Case of City–County Annexation in China ...
Sensitivity analysis of WRF-CFD-based downscaling methods for ...
2023年5月1日 · Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques are widely adopted for predicting pedestrian-level wind (PLW). However, the lack of on-site measurement data is the primary impediment to establishing a reliable inflow wind profile. We propose a downscaling method that enables accurate modeling of PLW without the need for on-site measurements.
结合国际医疗环境设计辅助工具和我国医疗建筑可持续评价标准的分析及对比,提出适用于我国的绿色医疗建筑环境设计辅助工具,在医疗建筑项目的策划阶段为建筑从业人员和所有参与策划的团队搭建技术交流平台,为促进多方合作效率和医疗建筑环境的整体设计品质提供学术支持和研究基础. This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable...
医院建筑的可持续与循证设计 - Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Study on Collision Detection Techniques for the Informed Design …
2022年3月28日 · Ban Q., Chen Z., Chen B., Yao J. (2019). Optimization of the health performance of healthcare buildings based on the information management technologies of evidence-based design. Chinese Hospital Management, 39(12), 81–84. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?FileName=YYGL201912037&DbName=CJFQ2019.
Abstract Aims: This research aimed to investigate the major user behavior patterns of noise sources in healthcare environments and summarize such information as evidence that can inform the design...
Dr. Qichao Ban - SciProfiles
2023年11月10日 · Multidisciplinary Digital Pu...
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