Qilby - Wakfu Wiki
Qilby is the main antagonist of Season 2 of Wakfu: The Animated Series, and a supporting character in Season 4. He is an Eliatrope of the Primordial Age and a member of the Council of Six, and he's the Dofus brother of the dragon Shinonome. Unlike the other Eliatropes, Qilby has an eidetic memory which completely transcends his reincarnation ...
Qilby - Krosmoz Wiki | Fandom
Qilby is a background character in Islands of Wakfu. He is implied to be Nora's mentor. At some point right before the game, Qilby reactivated the Eliacube, which allowed the Mechasms to find them again. He fought with Yugo and Phaeris, losing his arm and being banished to his dimensional prison as a result.
Qilby - VS Battles Wiki
Qilby was the main antagonist of season two and the central villain of the series overall. Qilby, as an eliatrope, was immortal. However, he was cursed with the ability to remember every aspect of his past lives, which made him grow bored, nihilistic, and insane.
Wakfu (TV series) - Wikipedia
It was Qilby who orchestrated a war with a robotic species called the Mechasms, resulting in the deaths of many eliatropes and the need for them to abandon their original world. Cunning and conniving, Qilby nearly succeeds but is defeated by a combined effort by Yugo, the last remaining eliatrope children, and the unborn Shinonome.
Eliacube | Wakfu Wiki - Fandom
The Eliacube is a powerful tool and object that was forged and mainly used by the Eliatropes. It was created by Qilby, the mad Eliatrope inventor, who made it to start a war between his people and the Mechasms, which would force the Eliatropes and their dragons to …
Qilby - Dofus Rol Wiki
Qilby es unselatrop de la Edad primitiva, miembro del Consejo de los Seis. Es hermano de Shinonome. Ladrón del corazón de Orgonax. Qilby fue el selatrop que desencadenó el fin de su civilización. Fue encerrado por Yugo en la dimensión blanca. Cuando se interesaron en el Selacubo, Yugo y…
Qilby (Wakfu) - The United Organization Toons Heroes Wiki
Qilby is the main antagonist from the second season of the Wakfu animated series. He is an Eliatrope of the Primordial Age and a member of the Council of Six. He is Shinonome's brother. unlike the other members of the council, Qilby does …
Did you feel bad for Qilby at the end of S2 - Reddit
2020年7月18日 · When Yugo calls him out for starting a war and killing most of the Eliatropes in the process, Qilby charges at him for an attack while shouting, "My happiness wasn't worth as much as yours? It's easy for you to look down on me!"
Why you can't hate Qilby : r/wakfu - Reddit
2020年5月2日 · Qilby is awesome and very dramatic as a Wakfu antagonist. Already, his look is super badass, the original voice acting is perfect, and the character himself has a very engaging story. One cannot imagine what it is to endure an eternal life, by constantly remembering each of his past lives, it must be just horrible, and the imprisonment in the ...
Qilby/Synopsis - Villains Wiki
The history of the sociopathic traitor Qilby from the French animated series Wakfu. The Great Goddess Eliatrope then seduces the Great Dragon again and he lays six Dofus. But the Goddess has the maternal instinct and wishing to jealously protect her …