英国皇家学院院士、黑洞无毛定理提出者之一Werner Israel教授专门在Physics Rev D上撰文称赞该工作 “把解决长期存在的黑洞信息丢失问题向前推进一大步(This goes a considerable way …
Qingyu CAI | Postdoctor | Doctor of Philosophy | Yunnan …
Qingyu CAI, Postdoctor | Cited by 53 | of Yunnan University, Kunming | Read 9 publications | Contact Qingyu CAI
蔡庆宇-信息与通信工程学院 - Hainan University
Hongwei Li; Chunmei Zhang; Musheng Jiang; Qingyu Cai, Improving the performance of practical decoy-state quantum key distribution with advantage distillation technology [J], …
蔡庆宇,理学博士,海南大学理论物理研究中心教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。 他是量子密码安全性理论专家,系统研究了两路量子密码协议安全性问题,证明两路量子密码在准理想条件下 …
Qingyu Cai - Design Professional in Healthcare - HOK - LinkedIn
Problem-Driven Design Strategist | Multidisciplinary Designer | Design Professional in Healthcare | LEED AP BD+C · Experience: HOK · Education: Harvard University Graduate School of …
- 职位: Healthcare Planning and …
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Qing-yu Cai,The "ping-pong" protocol can be attacked without eavesdropping,Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, 109801 (2003). Research Interests Black hole information loss paradox.
蔡庆宇-信息与通信工程学院 - Hainan University
主要担任中国密码学会量子密码专业委员会第一届、第二届、第三届委员 (2008年-至今)。 2017年,获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金资助。 合计发表学术论文50余篇,SCI他引超过2000 …
Qing-yu Cai's research works | Hainan University and other places
Qing-yu Cai's 64 research works with 2,267 citations and 8,165 reads, including: Improving the performance of twin-field quantum key distribution with advantage distillation...
Qingyu Cai - dblp
Xiaofan Zhao, Qingyu Cai, Xi Peng, Hao Sun, Shijue Zheng: Development and Design of a Dancing Robot System Based on Phonetic Control and 3D Gesture Interaction. ICCAI 2023: …
Qingyu Cai - Baltimore, Maryland, United States - LinkedIn
View Qingyu Cai’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
- 职位: Student at The Johns Hopkins …
- 位置: China securities management Co., Ltd.