仇浩(Qiu Hao) - 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院 - SJTU
个人简历 仇浩,江苏兴化人,中国农工民主党党员。上海交通大学教授,博士生导师,土壤地下水污染修复技术研究所副所长。
厉害了!中国首位AI女主播诞生,虚拟主播团队又壮大了! - 腾讯 …
Xinhua also on Tuesday unveiled an improved version of its AI presenter Qiu Hao, named Xin Xiaohao, who is able to gesticulate in a natural manner and read the news while standing up. 新华社周二还发布了以邱浩为原型的人工智能主播的改进版,名叫新小浩,他能够自然地做手势,并能 …
Meet Qiuhao, China’s Answer to Phoebe Philo - WWD
2024年4月15日 · Qiu Hao, who founded his namesake brand Qiuhao 21 years ago, has only produced one collection so far, but with 38 iterations. “I’ve been polishing and perfecting the same collection, the same ...
Hao Qiu - Google Scholar
Hao Qiu. Professor of Soil Environmental Toxicology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Verified email at sjtu.edu.cn - Homepage. Ecotoxicology Soil remediation Heavy metals Nanoparticle. ... RR Ying, RL Qiu, YT Tang, PJ Hu, H Qiu, HR Chen, TH Shi, JL Morel. Journal of plant physiology 167 (2), 81-87, 2010. 177:
Hao QIU Professor. Email:[email protected] Tel:021-54743926 Office:Shanghai Research Interests Speciation, transformation, transport, bioavailability, and toxicity of trace metals Fate and effect of data-poor chemicals (nanoparticles, rare earth elements, microplastics) in soil Biogeochemical cycle of trace elements ...
Qi Hao - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
F Hu, S Lakdawala, Q Hao, M Qiu. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13 (4), 656-663, 2009. 130: 2009: Path-dependent human identification using a pyroelectric infrared sensor and Fresnel lens arrays. JS Fang, Q Hao, DJ …
土壤与地下水污染修复技术团队 - SJTU
2019年11月29日 · 仇浩(Qiu Hao) 教授. 电子邮件:[email protected] 办公室电话:021-54743926 办公地点:上海交通大学材料楼F楼
Hao Qiu ( 仇浩 )
Yang Liu, Xia Wang, Bo Pan, Zhuo Wei, Jing Zhao, Hao Qiu, Christian E. W. Steinberg, Willie J. G. M. Peijnenburg, Martina G. Vijver Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety(2024) 引用 0 浏览 0 WOS 引用
师资队伍 - 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院 - SJTU
仇浩(Qiu Hao) 教授. 土壤污染控制与修复;土壤环境毒理与健康;纳米环境行为与效应;生态毒理与环境健康;土壤与地下水污染修复 ...
仇浩 - 上海交通大学 - 环境科学与工程学院
3) Qiu H*, Smolders E. Nanospecific phytotoxicity of CuO nanoparticles in soils disappeared when bioavailability factors were considered. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51: 11976-11985. 4) Qiu, H.*; Versieren, L.; Rangel, G. G.; Smolders, E., Interactions and toxicity of Cu-Zn mixtures to Hordeum vulgare in different soils can be ...