QMIX/README_CN.md at main · 15534081591/QMIX · GitHub
Contribute to 15534081591/QMIX development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - oxwhirl/pymarl: Python Multi-Agent Reinforcement …
2010年2月4日 · PyMARL is WhiRL 's framework for deep multi-agent reinforcement learning and includes implementations of the following algorithms: QMIX: QMIX: Monotonic Value Function Factorisation for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning COMA: Counterfactual Multi-Agent Policy Gradients VDN: Value-Decomposition Networks For Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning …
QMIX/README_CN.md at main · 15534081591/QMIX · GitHub
QMIX是一种Value-Based的多智能体强化学习算法,使用中心式学习分布式执行的方法。 算法大框架为基于AC框架的CTDE(Centralized Training Distributed Execution)模式,整个网络由Mixing Network和Agent Network两部分组成。
GitHub - oxwhirl/wqmix: Code for Weighted QMIX
Code for Weighted QMIX. Contribute to oxwhirl/wqmix development by creating an account on GitHub.
Popular-RL-Algorithms/qmix.py at master - GitHub
Critic network class for Qmix. Outputs centralized value function predictions given independent q value.
PyMARL2 - GitHub
Afterwards, we re-evaluate numerous QMIX variants with normalized the tricks (a general set of hyperparameters), and find that QMIX achieves the SOTA.
在ma_gym环境复现强化学的COMA Qmix和自己改进的代码(In …
在ma_gym环境复现强化学的COMA Qmix和自己改进的代码(In the MA_GYM environment to reproduce the enhanced COMA Qmix and their own improved code) 网络均使用pytorch搭建。 python版本3.6。 (Pytorch is used for all networks.
MARLToolkit: The Multi Agent Rainforcement Learning Toolkit
MARLToolkit is a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Toolkit based on Pytorch. It provides MARL research community a unified platform for developing and evaluating the new ideas in various multi-agent environments. There are four core features of MARLToolkit. it collects most of the existing MARL algorithms widely acknowledged by the community and unifies them under one …
GitHub - starry-sky6688/MARL-Algorithms: Implementations of …
Pytorch implementations of the multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms, including IQL, QMIX, VDN, COMA, QTRAN (both QTRAN-base and QTRAN-alt), MAVEN, CommNet, DyMA-CL, and G2ANet, which are the state of the art MARL algorithms. In addition, because CommNet and G2ANet need an external training algorithm, we provide Central-V and REINFORCE for …
GitHub - Lizhi-sjtu/MARL-code-pytorch: Concise pytorch …
Concise pytorch implements of MARL algorithms, including MAPPO, MADDPG, MATD3, QMIX and VDN. - Lizhi-sjtu/MARL-code-pytorch