[GUIDE] How to setup QPST - XDA Forums
2011年7月22日 · Everyone who downloaded QPST build "4.2.2" should change all his passwords. More info about malware from fake 4.2.2 build (QPST.2.7.422.msi) MSI package (QPST.2.7.422.msi) was embedded/tampered with qualcomm.exe which is a .NET based malware that logs your keystrokes and sends it to attacker's server. How to delete the actual …
Backup IMEI and NVRAM configuration - Kate/Kenzo - XDA Forums
2016年9月5日 · Backup and Recovery IMEI with QPST Tool In this tutorial you learn how to make an backup of your IMEI. Qualcomm developes for customers a lot of interesting tools, QPST is the most important suite for us, because with this tools we can: flash , unbrick , restore imei and do other stuff for our phones .
[Guide] Enabling DIAG for QPST (updated) - XDA Forums
2019年12月31日 · Yeah it shows up as a USB device with SDM855(0) as the device. I actually had a different diagnostic driver that was the ANDROID Diag mode at some point, not sure if that was useful at all, but still no QPST data.
[GUIDE] Full Flash Backup/Restore, Unbrick, and All Repair/Fix
2024年2月20日 · Modem, we probably want to backup this partition, because if somehow we lost IMEI after altering the firmware, we need to delete IMEIPROT inside this modem partition for us to be able to re-write IMEI.
Question Force enabling missing US Bands via QPST?
2024年7月29日 · (relevant section starts at 03:19). With QPST explorer, you can edit the XMLs located in the Qualcomm modem directories, so in theory, you can see which band_set_01.xml is being loaded and then modify it accordingly, turning on the bands you want, and put it …
How to use QPST and QXDM to verify if phone is working.
2012年11月6日 · 22) In the QPST Configuration menu, click on: Start Clients, and click on: Software Download 23) In QPST Software Download, click on the: Backup tab 24) A dialog box should appear with the same COM port number as you selected previously and there should be a name for the QCN File which has the ESN number in it (DEAD00D_1.qcn) and an SPC ...
HOW to Flashing Nokia 3.4 (ta-1288) using QPST tool
2022年4月21日 · Hello everyone. I am facing the same issue. I got the phone to the EDL mode and it does show as a port in QPST tool, but the firmware does not include hex file which QPST normaly uses and now i dont know what to flash. I think that the firmware that is available for Nokia 3.4 is only for HMD Devicekit Tool and cant be flashed using QPST
QPST - Backup/Restore modem-config - XDA Forums
2014年9月16日 · How to configure QPST: 1) open QPST configuration from start menu 2) on tab "ports" click on "Add new Port" 3) you should see two qualcom ports in the list. choose one and click OK. 4) if displayed phone name is SURF9615, you've selected the correct one. otherwise add the second device, too
Getting VoLTE and VoWiFi on unlisted carriers by flashing mbn file
2022年7月12日 · 3. Open QPST Configurator, check the list and find which COM port corresponds to "LAHAINA". Go to the device manager and disable the rest, ONLY KEEP THE PORT FOR LAHAINA. Quit any QPST tools after this. 4. …
Fix Signal & No IMEI Lenovo A6000/A6000+ via Fastboot & QPST …
2016年7月18日 · @zround - Just in case, you are feeling low due to no response from anyone. Brother, what you did was a much much needed thing, as many of the A6000 users are having IMEI problems on flashing custom ROMs.