Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer - Wikipedia
A triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (TQMS), is a tandem mass spectrometer consisting of two quadrupole mass analyzers in series, with a (non-mass-resolving) radio frequency (RF)–only quadrupole between them to act as a cell for collision-induced dissociation. This configuration is often abbreviated QqQ, here Q 1 q 2 Q 3.
液相色谱-串联四级杆质谱仪LC-QQQ-MS(Agilent 6460)操作规程
2020年9月18日 · 液相色谱-三重四级杆质谱联用仪 LC-QQQ-MS (Agilent 6460)系统主要由1200液相色谱、AJS离子源、四级杆质量分析器、多通道板(MCP)检测器、MassHunter数据处理软件组成。
ICP-QQQ, ICP-MS/MS, Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ | Agilent
The Agilent 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ) is the world’s most successful and widely used tandem ICP mass spectrometer. Available in a range of configurations to cover applications from routine contract analysis to advanced research and high-purity materials analysis, the Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ redefines ICP-MS performance, delivering ...
2016年7月19日 · ICP-QQQ outperforms conventional quadrupole ICP-MS for established applications, and provides far superior control of interferences in reaction mode, due to the additional quadrupole (Q1) positioned before the CRC. This additional mass filter enables MS/MS operation, where both Q1 and Q2 are operated as unit mass filters;
在质谱分析中,时间飞行质谱(TOF)和四级杆质谱(QQQ)的主 …
2024年6月29日 · 时间飞行质谱(Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, TOF-MS)和四级杆质谱(Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, QQQ-MS)是两种不同类型的质谱技术,它们在原理、性能和应用方面有着明显的区别:
Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QqQ MS) - Labcompare
A triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer, also known as QqQ, is a tandem MS method in which the first and third quadrupoles act as mass filters and the second causes fragmentation of the analyte through interaction with a collision gas—it is a radiofrequency-only quadrupole, and can be used in either SIM or scan mode.
2024年11月26日 · 本研究通过UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS技术对洋甘菊的化学成分进行鉴别,并分析不同化学成分的裂解规律,类别主要包括黄酮类、苯丙素类、有机酸类等化合物,多种类型的活性成分共同发挥作用,产生协同或互补效应,从而实现多成分、多作用的综合治疗效果。 此外,本研究未检测到洋甘菊中的某些已知成分,可能与ESI离子化效率或提取方法有关[ 13]。
三重四极杆质谱 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年12月3日 · 三重四极杆质谱仪(TQMS或QqQ)是由两个四极杆质量分析器组成的串联质谱仪,它们之间有一个(非质量分辨)射频-只有四极杆,充当碰撞-诱导解离(CID)的碰撞池,裂解选定的前体/母离子,并产生碎片/子离子。 三重…
Triple quadrupole LC/MS system, 6495D mass spectrometer
The 6495D triple quadrupole LC/MS system provides ultrahigh performance for labs analyzing large batches of samples in ‘omics, food, and environmental. Equipped with innovative iFunnel technology, this LC-QQQ achieves ppq-level detection limits for challenging analytes in …
<br>一种快速 UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS 方法,用于同时定性和定量柚 …
开发了一种基于 uhplc-qqq-ms/ms 的多功能、灵敏且快速的方法,用于同时定性和定量香豆素、呋喃香豆素、类黄酮和酚酸。 色谱洗脱和多反应监测模式转换经过优化,可在 13 分钟的色谱运行中实现 47 种分析物(包括 13 组异构体)的良好分离和准确定量。