Rapid reaction force - Wikipedia
A rapid reaction force / rapid response force (RRF), quick reaction force / quick response force (QRF), immediate reaction force (IRF), rapid deployment force (RDF), or quick maneuver force (QMF) is a military or Law Enforcement unit capable of …
快速應變部隊 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
快速應變部隊(俗稱大Q;英文:Quick Reaction Force,縮寫:QRF)於2000年3月31日成立,隸屬於香港警務處 行動處 行動部 新界北總區 行動部 邊界警區,為準軍事部隊,主要責任為巡邏新界北總區幅員達132平方公里的郊野、反偷渡、搜索及拯救,同時擔任後備部隊 ...
快速反应部队Quick Reaction Force (QRF) 是设计于低强度冲突中能在极短时间范围内作出武力干涉的战斗部队。 欧盟 于1999年开始研议筹设自己的武装力量,称为快速反应部队,若确实成军,会是在六万人以上,成员以英、法为主,其他欧盟会员国为辅,可在六星期之内派遣执行准战争任务。 任务:对于出现不利的情况进行干预、人道救援与救助、维和任务、预防冲突与调停。 美国 、 俄罗斯 、 英国 和 法国 等都建立了快速反应部队,尽管名称不一,如美国快反部队称 …
Quick Response Force – Sandy Springs Police Department
The Quick Response Force (QRF) is a multi-functional unit comprised of Sandy Springs Police officers as well as two Tactical Medics from Sandy Springs Fire Department and a volunteer trauma Doctor. The officers and supervisors on QRF are trained in the proper response to active assailant situations and given additional equipment to fulfill this ...
U.S. Quick Reaction Force (QRF) - U.S. Department of State
2009年1月20日 · A versatile team of more than 60 experts in the fields of explosive ordnance disposal, unexploded ordnance remediation, physical security and stockpile management, and landmine clearance, the QRF is equipped to handle a full range of …
The Quick Response Force (QRF) is a multi-functional unit comprised of Sandy Springs Police officers as well as two Tactical Medics from Sandy Springs Fire Department and a volunteer trauma Doctor. The officers and supervisors on QRF are trained in the proper response to active assailant situations and given additional equipment to fulfill this ...
QRF officers hone skills, tactics - Hong Kong Police Force
New Territories North Region's Quick Reaction Force (QRF) is the Force's main resource for handling incidents in remote areas. The unit is deployed at any time and to anywhere when its expertise in rural operations is required.
Off Beat - police.gov.hk
OFFICERS of the number one platoon of the Quick Reaction Force New Territories North (QRF NTN), have cordoned off a construction site in Fanling and are beginning their sweep and search operation for illegal immigrants, overstayers, and two-way permit holders from the mainland who have breached their conditions of stay by illegally working on ...
U.S. Quick Reaction Force (QRF) - U.S. Department of State
When the governments of Kiribati and Tuvalu requested assistance, the United States deployed the QRF to survey the extent of ordnance contamination and assist local authorities in an effort to save lives and prevent injuries by disposing of the ordnance.
快速应变部队 - 百度百科
快速应变部队(英文:Quick Reaction Force,简称QRF,俗称大Q),成立于2000年3月31日,隶属于 香港警务处 行动处行动部 新界北 总区行动部边界警区,为 准军事部队 ,主要责任为巡逻新界北幅员达132平方公里的郊野、反偷渡、搜索及拯救,并且亦为 警务处处长 的 ...