有没有一款详细讲解飞机 QRH的书? - 知乎
QRH,Quick Reference Handbook,是飞行员在空中处置故障的指引,是程序化的操纵指南。 每一个机型都有其相应的QRH。 我们以波音737为例,B737QRH第一页是包含有熟记项目(Memory Item)的QRH项目列表。 在此之后,QRH分别按照首字母顺序和飞机系统顺序给出目录,但实际上内容是按照飞机系统编写的。 在具体的一个QRH项目中,通常会包括:标题,条件,目标,具体动作,操纵说明等。 波音的检查结束会有四个黑色方块标志。 对于飞行员而言,从地面训 …
Quick Reference Handbook - Wikipedia
A Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) is a quick-access manual for aircraft pilots that contains all the procedures applicable for non-normal and emergency conditions in an easy-to-use format.
1/6 a318/a319/a320/a321 quick reference handbook preliminary pages list of modifications 23 nov 21 m(1) criterion linked sb incorp. date title j0006 20 nov 17 fuel system - additional treatment of centre tank
boeing737 QRH快速参考手册和OperationsManual操作手册 - 黑色 …
2025年1月3日 · 最近全世界最畅销的美国高级飞机波音737事故频发, 我们整理了其操作手册和快速参考手册, 以供大家学习.Boeing-B737-700-800-900-Operations-Manual.pdf...
Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
For aircraft not fitted with an Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) system or Engine Instruments and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) - or equivalent system the QRH is the sole reference for the management of any abnormal/emergency condition.
A330-243F Quick Reference Handbook - studylib.net
Airbus A330-243F Quick Reference Handbook for flight operations. Includes procedures, checklists, and performance data.
What exactly is a QRH? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2018年4月15日 · A QRH is a Quick Reference Handbook and is an approved (by some overseeing entity) document specific to an airplane and operator that contains checklists for just about anything the airplane can experience. At my airline we had copies in the airplane and also in our company flight manual (CFM).
Boeing Interactive QRH on the App Store
Boeing Interactive Quick Reference Handbook (IQRH) is the mobile version of the paper QRH, providing increased efficiency to Boeing airplane operators that have FCOM/QRH data subscriptions. With Interactive QRH, Boeing pilots will enjoy. • Electronic access to all normal and non-normal checklists, performance tables, and maneuvers.
What is an Aircraft’s QRH (Quick Reference Handbook)?
2021年2月4日 · The Quick Reference Handbook is a hardened spiral-bound binder separated into different sections by plastic tabs or dividers. The QRH is designed to be easily accessible to the crew and is usually stored in a “cubby hole” beside their seat or lower down beside their legs.
QRH | 飞行的苹果派
在处置过程中,我惊讶地发现,波音737的引气压力低是没有QRH的。 最后我们决定用引气跳开(BLEED TRIP OFF)这条来处理,虽然引气跳开是因为超压或超温,我们现在是没压力,但是结果都是一样地把一边的引气关掉。 从检查单上可以看到,关闭一侧的引气和对应的空调组件,但是剩下的一个引气不足以支撑另一侧高流量的空调组件+大翼防冰。 因此就要避开结冰条件了。 不巧,这个航班是从上海飞乌鲁木齐,不但有可能用到大翼防冰,还存在释压供氧航段。 如果硬 …
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