GitHub - theQRL/QRL: Quantum Resistant Ledger
Python-based blockchain ledger utilizing hash-based one-time merkle tree signature scheme (XMSS) instead of ECDSA. Proof-of-work block selection via the cryptonight algorithm. Future transition to POS with signed iterative hash chain reveal scheme which is both probabilistic and random (https://github.com/theQRL/pos).
QRL: The Quantum Resistant Ledger
QRL is the first industrial implementation to utilize IETF specified XMSS; a hash-based, forward secure signature scheme with minimal security assumptions and reusable addresses that comes with NIST approval
Quantum Resistant Ledger price today, QRL to USD live price, …
The Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) is a 'fully quantum resistant blockchain network, using PQ-CRYPTO recommended/IETF standardized cryptography'. The QRL utilizes a hash-based eXtended Merkle Tree Signature Scheme (XMSS) instead of ECDSA, which is reportedly vulnerable to quantum attacks and found in many other blockchain projects.
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The Quantum Resistant Ledger - GitHub
The Quantum Resistant Ledger has 113 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Quantum Resistant Ledger(QRL) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap
量子抗性账本(QRL)作为一个开创性的区块链平台,旨在抵御量子计算的潜在威胁。 与依赖椭圆曲线密码学(ECDSA)的传统区块链不同,QRL采用基于哈希的扩展Merkle树签名方案(XMSS),这是一种经过NIST批准的后量子安全数字签名方案。 这种密码学选择确保了平台即使面对量子计算机的先进计算能力也能保持安全。 QRL生态系统不仅仅关注安全性;它还提供了一整套面向用户的应用程序,并支持硬件钱包集成,使其在日常使用中既便捷又实用。 平台的开 …
- 评论数: 2
【深度学习·命运-98】量子强化学习 - CSDN博客
2024年12月15日 · 量子强化学习(QRL) 是将量子计算与强化学习相结合的领域,旨在通过量子计算的优势(如量子叠加、量子纠缠等特性)来提升传统强化学习(RL)的性能。 强化学习本质上是一种 机器学习 方法,其中智能体通过与环境交互并从反馈中学习如何最大化累积奖励。 量子计算提供的潜在优势,特别是在处理大规模数据和优化高维问题时,可能使得QRL在某些应用场景下比经典强化学习更为高效。 量子强化学习的核心思想是在强化学习的框架下引入量子力学 …
qrllib NEWS AND UPDATES - theqrl.org
The Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) is a first-of-its-kind, post-quantum value store and decentralized communication layer proactively tackling the threat advanced Quantum Computers pose to cryptocurrencies
QRL Block Explorer
The Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) block explorer includes information on blocks, transactions, and wallets.
為什麼 Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) 風起雲湧:揭開區塊 …
2025年3月17日 · Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) is a pioneering blockchain technology designed to withstand future quantum computer threats. Founded by Peter Waterland, QRL utilizes the XMSS signature scheme to achieve unparalleled security and long-term stability.
The Quantum Resistant Ledger – Medium
2020年11月30日 · QRL’s Proof-of-Stake code, is released to the public. And with the partnership and seminal research by the team at Insight Research, it’s only going to get better from here. Press — Insight...