How to set size and font for a QPushbutton | Qt Forum
2017年1月29日 · Now I want to manipulate this button as follows: 1- Change the font to Italic or Bold (e.g., OK OK) 2- Set a red or blue color for it 3- Make the font bigger/smaller 4- Change its size (height and width) 5- Change its position (to right/left/up/down) I would thank you if you tell me how to do these.
Check if button was right clicked or left clicked? - Qt Forum
2019年4月21日 · I create and customize a new button when my "create button" button is pressed like this void MainWindow::on_btn_add_btn_clicked() { QPushButton *btn ...
how to create a toggle button(on/off button) - Qt Forum
I want to create a button when it is pressed once its color should be changed to green and again if i press the button the button should br changed to red . I mean toggle . How to do this ?
[SOLVED] from qaction to qpushbutton? - Qt Forum
2011年10月5日 · You have stumbled on an unfortunate situation. QPushButton does not really work with QAction. Not directly, anyway. I think you have two options: Use a QToolButton instead. QToolButton has a setDefaultAction method that you can use to set the action for the button. Subclass QPushButton, and add a setAction () method that takes a QAction. Make the button …
QPushButton highlight. - Qt Forum
2016年1月15日 · Because in Your example button will be highlighted anyway. Highlight it tuned on when mouse pointer enters on button area. Your example will work when button is pressed and doesn't change anything when pointer will enter button area.
[Solved] QPushButton change text - Qt Forum
2013年2月26日 · I am trying to make it so that when the pushButton is clicked the text on it changes. At the moment my programming in the slot is @Ui_MainWindow::pushButton-...
how to create an image button - Qt Forum
2016年4月21日 · hi, how i can create an image button in qt? tnx
How to stop a checkable button from automatically rendering
2024年10月13日 · @Pl45m4 said in How to stop a checkable button from automatically rendering differently when checked?: You could check the source code of QAbstractButton / QToolButton yourself and see how it's done Better the style he's using to see what triggers the darkening. Otoh when the style does this I don't understand why a QToolButton should behave differently only …
[SOLVED] QMessageBox Buttons - Qt Forum
2015年8月28日 · I assume thats because messageBox.addButton (BUTTON_YES, QMessageBox::YesRole); does not create a standard button. I searched for a method to get clicked buttons given role. But no help : ( I tried using button text, which solved my problems but that just feels lame : (
Custom push-button with text and icon - Qt Forum
2019年1月31日 · I have a problem with a custom pushbutton I created. My button class inherits from QPushButton that's clear! Then I create a BoxLayout, vertical or horizontal, and put into it a text and an icon. Or only text or only icon: