how to attach image to gui created by using Qt creator
2013年7月3日 · The : specifies that you want to use the path in your Qt resources. The first two lines are not needed if you define this QWidget using QtDesigner. Also, don't forget to import your resources.qrc (however you called it) file (including your resources) and add this to your .pro :
With QtCreator, how can I build my project on a remote server I …
2017年3月18日 · That said Qt Creator supports remote deploying and debugging but not remote building (as far as I know; please someone correct me if I'm wrong). The only remote-related thing about the building step is cross-compilation which again is performed locally (using a cross-compiler, specifying the sysroot etc.).
In Qt Creator, examples are missed - Stack Overflow
2013年8月12日 · Installed Qt Creator 2.8 in ArchLinux Installed qt5-* (* as every related package) using pacman examples were not available in the repositories so I used the one in the AUR, qt5-examples examples...
Qt creator: c++: undefined reference to Class::Function
2013年6月5日 · I am creating two c++ projects in my Qt creator. The first is an Application project and the other is unit-test project. the two projects, separately, work fine. However, when linking the two together I face a little problem.
qt - Use of variables like % {buildDir} in QtCreator kit settings in ...
2016年3月13日 · This is a good start, but it still doesn't show the complete list - e.g., you won't find Qt:Version here. For the curious, you can clone/download Qt Creator's source from GitHub, and then grep the src directory for registerVariable(.
c++ - Unresolved external symbols - Qt creator - Stack Overflow
For beginners in windows (like me): 1) Build -> Clean All 2) Build -> Run qmake and then you can build. I was thinking since we are in windows and have comprehensive tool (QT Creator), we do not need to run anything else then "clean" and "build". I also wanted to try typing qmake in cmd, but didnt work for me. –
c++ - How to print to console when using Qt - Stack Overflow
2015年3月9日 · Well, after studying several examples on the Internet describing how to output messages from a GUI in Qt to stdout, I have refined a working stand-alone example on redirecting messages to a console, via qDebug() and installing qInstallMessageHandler(). The console will be showed at the same time as the GUI and can be hidden if deemed necessary.
Can you configure Qt Creator to kill the running application before ...
2013年2月19日 · Looking after 2 years at this question for the inverse problem: after Qt Creator update (3.6.0 on Windows) if I launch "Run" my opened application is terminated... And I don't want it (I must do a correct logout). If you want I posted a screenshot of that option on my blog post. I find a "Build & Run" option in IDE that I didn't know: "Stop ...
qt - How to uninstall Qt5? - Stack Overflow
Somehow I ended up with 2 versions of Qt on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine, Qt4 and Qt5. Here is the output of qtchooser -list-versions 4 5 config default qt4-i386-linux-gnu qt4-x86_64-linux-gnu qt4 qt5-
qt creator - Use qtcreator with makefile project - Stack Overflow
2013年8月28日 · Qt Creator also asks you which files should be included to the project but again, it is simply for the display of sources in the project tree, not for build. Qt Creator uses make tool in the specified build directory by default to build your project but you can override this setting. For example, in the company I work for we have a custom build ...