Future of Qt: Digia aquires Qt - Qt Forum
2012年8月9日 · I am happy to let you know that today Digia announced its plans to acquire the Qt technology and assume main responsibility for all Qt activities from Nokia. This includes …
Qt and Nokia’s new strategy - Qt Forum
2011年2月11日 · [quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1297431339"]"This morning’s strategy announcement was a significant shift for Nokia, and all of the parts within Nokia, including Qt. …
What's the difference between the Nokia Qt SDK and the Qt SDK?
2010年11月20日 · "Qt SDK" is for desktop development "Nokia Qt SDK" is for mobile development; Lame attempt to provide a memory hook: Nokia makes mobile phones. With the …
Qt Creator, localization and work flow - Qt Forum
2010年12月13日 · Are this link update to the latest version of linguist? Last version is 4.7.1 here is 4.6.0. [quote author="SimonJudge" date="1292250551"]
[Split] Notizie e link sul futuro di Nokia e Qt
Ma questo sarà un problema principalmente per chi aveva intenzione di usarlo per sviluppare software per gli smartphone Nokia. La licenza LGPL di Qt ne garantisce in ogni caso la …
Nokia USB Driver not working - Qt Forum
2020年1月4日 · I don't know if anybody on this forum today has any experience with the Nokia N9. Perhaps you can ask the author of that article for help? Note: The author is not affiliated …
[SOLVED] "Expired certificate": error pops up when ... - Qt Forum
2010年12月25日 · [quote author="QtK" date="1293355555"] [quote author="Milot Shala" date="1293324627"]Strange behavior, I have tested it on my Nokia N8 without changing …
[Solved] Basic QIODevice subclass in Qt4 - Qt Forum
2011年3月22日 · I am working on Windows XP in a MinGW/qt environment with "Qt SDK by Nokia v2010.05" Thanks for any contributions Edit: due to the general nature of the problem, …
How to enable a submit button after multiple form fields ... - Qt …
2011年4月4日 · Nokia Certified Qt Specialist Interested in hearing about Qt related work. 1 Reply Last reply . 0. Login ...
FolderListModel - Qt Forum
2011年7月3日 · Try this: Create two delegates in two files: FileDelegate.qml and FolderDelegate.qml In FileDelegate.qml you will have only @Text { text: fileName } @