c++ - QSlider show min, max and current value - Stack Overflow
2015年11月3日 · Is it possible to show minimum, maximum and current selected value of QSlider? Of course I can use labels to display this, but I think there must be such possibility in QSlider
qt - How to make a QSlider change with double values - Stack …
2013年9月25日 · My problem is that I just can't seem to make my QSlider work with double values instead of integer, because I need to make it return double values to a QLineEdit and also set it's own value when I ...
Range slider in Qt (two handles in a QSlider) - Stack Overflow
2021年4月26日 · I need a range selection using QSlider. Is it possible to get two handles, if not, is there any piece of code available to handle that smartly? Below is an image illustrating what I need.
c++ - Qt slider widget with tick text labels - Stack Overflow
2014年12月26日 · I'm searching for Qt widget like QSlider, but with text tick labels support like this: This widget I'll use as mode switcher. Have you met something like that?
qt - QSlider mouse direct jump - Stack Overflow
2012年6月21日 · Instead of stepping when the user clicks somewhere on the qslider I want to make the slider jump to that position. How can this be implemented ?
python - QSlider stepping? - Stack Overflow
2013年3月12日 · The SetInterval method is equivalent to combining the setTickInterval and setSingleStep methods, but also stops the slider being positioned between tick values. The class also allows the use of float values as slider limits or intervals and allows the index of the point selected on the slider to be set and read. class DoubleSlider(qw.QSlider):
qt - Qt5 Double range slider - Stack Overflow
If Qt Quick is an option, Qt Quick Controls 2 has a RangeSlider (in three different styles). The module has tech preview status in Qt 5.6, but is a proper module in 5.7. Here's the Default style RangeSlider:
c++ - Custom QSlider's handle goes off the groove when using ...
In most examples, customizing the Qt slider is done like this (with a stylesheet): mySlider = new QSlider (centralWidget); mySlider->setObjectName (QStringLiteral ...
c++ - how to use QSlider in for a variable - Stack Overflow
2013年1月2日 · Possible Duplicate: Using QSlider to change the value of a variable I'm trying to use the QSlider to to change a variable value: here is a part of the code : .... QSlider *slider = new QSli...
qt - getting the value from a qwtslider - Stack Overflow
2012年8月27日 · Are you aware that vtkImagePlaneWidget::SetSliceIndex takes int as a parameter, not double? What range is your xmin and xmax? Default conversion of double to int will truncate all your fractional stepping (like 1/4th of slider step i see). Also you are connecting to non-existent signals and slots on QDoubleSpinBox. setValue and valueChanged take int as parameter, not double.